This is the Most Complete Guide to Amethyst Healing Properties

INSIDE: With this complete guide of amethyst healing properties, you’ll discover the myriad of ways that amethyst can transform your mind, body, and spirit. It’s our favorite healing stone, and for good reason!

Amethysts are jam-packed with powerful healing properties and they can be used in a multitude of ways to impact your life for the better. They seem to almost magically stimulate and soothe the mind, body, and emotions simultaneously, causing a calm yet focused effect.

Apart from being a beautiful addition to any space, amethysts also provide a positive influence, a tranquil feeling, and they counteract all negative energy. They are without a doubt our favorite healing stones, and that’s why we’ve compiled this complete guide to amethyst healing properties.

amethyst healing properties

Amethyst Healing Properties & Characteristics

The amethyst stone is one of the most popular and highly prized crystals, and it is also one of the most spiritual stones. This variety of quartz is a transparent semi-precious stone that is purple in color.

  • Composition – clear quartz, iron, and sometimes manganese
  • Shape – geodes, clusters, single points
  • Size – points range in size from small to large; geodes range in size from a couple inches to fifteen feet
  • Color – ranges from light lavender to deep purple
  • Source – Brazil, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia, India, Mexico, Sri Lanka, United States, Russia, Britain, Canada
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Amethysts are formed under intense pressure and heat over millions of years. We’ve written an entire article about the way amethysts are formed, and it’s pretty fascinating! Check it out here: An Astonishing Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Amethyst Cathedral

The deeper the color and the larger the points, the stronger the healing properties. Darker amethyst originates from Uruguay, while Brazil offers the largest quality amethyst geodes.

  • Birthstone Month – February
  • Sun Sign – Aries
  • Anniversary Gift – 6th anniversary
  • Angel Association – Archangel Michael

amethyst geodes

What Healing Properties Does Amethyst Have?

Spiritual Benefits of Amethyst

  • Enhances communication from the Divine
  • Counteracts negative energies in the environment
  • Protects against psychic attack
  • Expands intuitive and psychic abilities
  • Helps induce a deep meditative state
  • Cleanses the aura of negative energy
  • Forms a protective bubble around the body
  • Raises our vibration
  • Heals, protects and cleanses the spirit
  • Reduces selfishness and inspires selflessness

Mental Benefits of Amethyst

  • Deepens understanding of oneself and others
  • Improves cognitive function and mental clarity
  • Helps us achieve our goals
  • Improves mental focus
  • Sparks new ideas
  • Improves decision-making
  • Enhances memory 

Emotional Benefits of Amethyst

  • Provides a sense of calm and wellbeing
  • Provides comfort during times of grief
  • Sparks creativity, inspiration, and passion
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Reduces emotional charge
  • Soothes and uplifts at the same time
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Physical Benefits of Amethyst

shop for amethyst geodes

Amethyst Healing Properties

Amethyst is one of the best all-purpose crystals in existence, and it has a myriad of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit.

Calm, Soothe & Relieve Stress

One of the most loved healing properties of amethyst is its ability to soothe and calm the body, mind, and spirit. It is a natural tranquilizer that stills an overactive mind, melts away stress and anxiety, and promotes inner peace.

Its energy is highly comforting and is, therefore, an effective natural solution for nervousness, tension, overwhelm, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It also calms negative emotions like anger, fear, and sadness, and brings a comforting energy that encourages patience, composure, and compassion.

Amethyst is a wonderful crystal to keep by your bedside to promote a restful night of sleep as it helps reduce insomnia and nightmares. It is also useful for homesickness and hyperactivity in children and animals.

Healing & Cleansing

Amethyst is a highly effective healing stone with powerful healing and cleansing properties. Just by being it its presence, you can cleanse your aura, recover faster from illness, and balance all parts of the self (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).

Amethyst can be used to cleanse the environment of electromagnetic smog and negative energy. Likewise, it can be used with people, pets, and plants to cleanse the negative energy and help them flourish. Amethyst also has the ability to cleanse other crystals.

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The amethyst stone is often used for protection, and that includes any kind of protection possible. Physically, it provides protection against misfortune, malicious attacks, burglaries, and accidents. Mentally, it offers protection from negative thoughts and emotions, while spiritually, it protects its user from psychic attack, witchcraft, and black magic.


The focused yet calm state that is brought to us through the amethyst is the prime state-of-mind for creativity to flourish. It helps bring ideas to fruition and provides clear, guided inspiration that…

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