121 Affirmations For A Balanced Throat Chakra

An open and healthy throat chakra can allow you the freedom and joy of clear, truthful self-expression and communication.

This is one of our seven chakras and is also known as Visshudha in ancient sacred Vedic texts.

The throat chakra is an energetic center that we can balance and maintain to enjoy a life of authentic expression and creation. 

There are many ways to balance and energize your throat chakra and one of the simplest and super effective practices that you can use is the practice of throat chakra affirmations.

In this article, we shall learn more about why throat chakra affirmations are so effective, the best ways to use these affirmations, and a compilation of powerful throat chakra affirmations that you can choose to work with. 

Why Use Throat Chakra Affirmations?

Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency.

Our throat chakra is energy, it vibrates at a specific frequency. Words are energy, each word vibrates at a specific frequency.

By choosing words that resonate with a healthy and open throat chakra we can energetically heal and activate our throat chakra energy center.

The intentional repetition of information works to program or entrain our subconscious minds to the content and energy of the affirmation.

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A variety of throat chakra affirmations can be used to intentionally clear and open a blocked throat chakra and also to rebalance an overactive throat chakra.

You can identify if you have a blocked throat chakra if you are experiencing symptoms such as creative blocks, struggle with self-expression, anxiety and struggle with communicating your truth.

You can learn more about the detailed symptoms of a blocked throat chakra in the article 11 Symptoms Of A Blocked Throat Chakra.

You can identify if you have an overactive throat chakra if you find yourself embodying a version of yourself that is talking too much, talking unclearly, interrupting others, being over-critical of yourself and others, or if you have a dominating energy.  

You can also learn more about the throat chakra in the article 10 Signs Your Throat Chakra Is Opening. These signs of your throat chakra opening will become evident as you fully engage in your practice with throat chakra affirmations.

Best Ways To Use Affirmations When Healing The Throat Chakra

woman practising throat chakra affirmations

A powerful affirmation actually has three key basic ingredients: an intentional compilation of positive words, some form of visualization, and relevant feelings or emotions.

To use the throat chakra affirmations to the fullest potential we can consider these elements.

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Affirming positive words

You can use positive words to form affirmations that transform and activate your throat chakra energy, these words can be spoken within, spoken out loud, and repeated as much as needed.

The energy and meanings that are communicated through each throat chakra affirmation codes these upgrades within the subconscious mind.

Affirming Visualisation 

A really powerful addition to utilize when working with affirmations is visualization, you can start simply by envisioning yourself embodying the affirmations that you have chosen.

You can also delve into deep meditation with the intention to visualize a particular activating or balancing throat chakra affirmation.

Visualization adds to your affirmation by animating the energy within your mind’s eye and etheric body.

Visualization can prepare our consciousness to experience an event. Effective visualization includes taking note of the 5 senses within an inner vision.

You can also use art and images paired with your chosen throat chakra affirmations.

Affirming emotions

A key element of a successful affirmation practice is learning to use and cultivate your emotional state.

Imagine how the affirmation makes you feel. How does it feel to affirm this?

You can conscientize and work through any lower density emotions that arise when using throat chakra affirmations. You can do so if you feel it is necessary for your emotional clarity.

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Working with an affirmation for long enough will naturally clear any out of alignment emotions and raise your vibration to the frequency intended by the affirmed words.

The most important part of using affirming emotions in conjunction with throat chakra affirmations is to cultivate the feeling you desire to experience. You can do this by imagining how you would feel once your chosen throat chakra affirmations have been realized and embodied.

These are just some of the foundational considerations that you can include in your practice when working with any affirmations, you can also consider the way you want to practice your affirmation.

You can include throat chakra affirmations into your daily life, upon waking, throughout your day, or when going to bed.

Also, remember that you can use affirmations…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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