What is Chi? –

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arranging spaces. It addresses the subtle connection between our everyday environment and our quality of life.

Feng Shui is based upon the existence of “chi” universal life force energy that is present everywhere. The flow of this invisible energy in our surroundings profoundly affects the way things unfold in our lives.

The essence of Feng Shui is to activate the positive “chi” in your environment, cure any negative “chi”, and create the right quality of energy to support our desired goals and dreams.
Feng Shui has gained wide acceptance in the west and is used successfully by many homeowners and businesses.

Feng Shui creates meaningful and harmonious spaces for living and working that resonates with a sense of well being, and is conducive to enhancing our quality of life.
In the business world, Feng Shui is the science and art of design, placement and arrangement for work place in a harmonious and high-energy environment. In this way space vitality is strengthened and auspicious space is created providing a conducive and relaxing atmosphere.

This environment supports business activities, attracts customers, helps to increase sales and performance, and enhance success and abundance.

What is Chi?

Feng Shui is based on the vital energy known as “Chi”, also utilized in Yoga, Qi-Gong, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Reiki and others.

The “CHI” is the invisible force of energy fields that surrounds our universe and us.

If Chi flows well and accumulates, you have good Feng Shui (sheng chi), but if it flows too quickly or if it stagnates, you have poor Feng Shui (sha chi).

For example: if you have a house receiving very little sun light, or your yard doesn’t look luscious and well kept, these are attracting sha chi to your life.

Therefore, if you improve your home and office space according to Feng Shui, you will notice a positive difference in your life.

Therefore, Feng Shui provides the means to interpret, predict and manage this chi energy.

The word Qi in Chinese language has more then one meaning.

  • Air – which we need to live.
  • Energy – the magnetic field of the earth, sunlight, cosmic radiation etc.
  • Spirit – our will to survive and to prosper.
  • Luck – good or bad, which existence we can feel but can not prove.

In Feng Shui Qi is a combination of all four meanings.

We differentiate between bad and good Qi.
Good Qi is called Sheng Qi and is full of vibrant life.
Bad Qi is called Scha Qi and has evil, harmful energies.

A tidy house with fresh air and filled with sunshine and laughter is filled with Sheng Qi.
A dirty, dark house with bad ventilation and where the occupants are fighting is filled with scha Qi.

Sheng Qi is dispersed by wind and retained by water.

The five elements or Transformations

Qi can be divided into five different forms of energies. Water, Wood, Fire, Metal and Earth which got different attributes.

Earth – cubic and rectangular forms, the colour brown, beige and yellow. It attracts, concentrates and is stable.
Metal – spherical, the colours white, gold and silver. It is sharp, pointing and piercing.
Water – wavelike or indefinite forms, the colours black and dark blue. It runs downwards and is free.
Wood – Stick or pillar like forms, the colour green, it grows upward and is enduring.
Fire – triangular forms, the colours red, orange, purple and pink. It spreads in all directions; it radiates and is hot.

These five elements are standing in interdependence to each other so that they can be manipulated.
The enhancing cycle:

  • Water enhances Wood.
  • Wood enhances Fire.
  • Fire enhances Earth.
  • Earth enhances Metal.
  • Metal enhances Water

The weakening cycle:

  • Water weakens Metal.
  • Metal weakens Earth.
  • Earth weakens Fire.
  • Fire weakens Wood.
  • Wood weakens Water.

The controlling cycle:

    • Water controls Fire.
    • Fire controls Metal.
    • Metal controls Wood.
    • Wood controls Earth.
    • Earth controls Water.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thechinesezodiac.org. All the rights of content are owned by thechinesezodiac.org. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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