Understanding Dreams and Visions

As a Reiki teacher, I am always asked about the meaning of dreams and their interpretation. Dreams after the Reiki attunement are often vivid and sometimes unearthly. Consequently, practitioners of Reiki feel that they contain some meaning and pursue to interpret these dreams. Here are some facts and myths regarding dreams and visions and how to decipher between the two to help a practitioner fathom how much importance they should assign to their dreams.

To understand if the dreams and vision are true and not just mind games and to comprehend their meaning, it is important to know where they come from. Since life itself is an illusion or dream (maya) and everything is temporary and delusive, there is nothing called “true” or “false” dream/ vision. However, for the sake of ease, let’s categorize dreams and visions that are in alignment with our life’s purpose and hold meaning for our soul’s journey as “true” and all other dreams that are representation of the many facets of our mind as “false”.

To identify the source of our dreams and visions, it is crucial to know about consciousness. The mind consists of three broad layers: conscious, subconscious and superconscious.

The conscious mind operates during the waking state in the physical world, is identified by the ego and works through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. It is inactive during sleep.

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The subconscious mind on the contrary never sleeps. During wakefulness it works with the conscious mind to create memory and during sleep it takes care of autonomic functions like digestion, pumping of the heart, respiration, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. During sleep, life force (Ki) withdraws from the senses and accumulates in the brain where experiences and memories are stored. We get a glimpse of this when we dream while sleeping, as we dream within our subconscious mind.

The superconscious mind is the highest of all the states of consciousness which relates to an awareness beyond the material reality of the conscious and subconscious mind. Some call this ether or divine intelligence. This is the source of all true guidance coming from our soul level and beyond.

Dreams come from the consciousness of the dreamer and can originate either in the conscious, subconscious or superconscious mind whereas visions come from the superconscious mind.

False Dreams and Hallucinations

Dreams occur during sleep and are projections of the subconscious mind which acts as a bridge through which dreams pass. It occurs when ‘Ki’ (life force) is filtered through life’s experiences that is stored in the subconscious mind.

For dreams to occur, there is a requirement of three elements –

  1. Subconscious mind
  2. Past experience
  3. Ki
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The subconscious mind works as a projector for the past experiences to relay information in the form of dreams. Here, the subconscious mind works as a projector, memory of the past experience…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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