Pisces Moon Compatibility – Mystic Compatibility

Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility

Moon In Pisces

Pisces Moon you are sensitive souls, in Moon sign astrology. You are probably the gentlest, most sensitive and spiritual ones. With great intuition, you can be in tune with emotions, yours or those around you. You are sensitive to your environment. Sometimes the boundaries between your emotions and the outside world is blurred. Hence you can be everyone’s best friend, yet you feel drained at the end with all the negativity that you have absorbed.

Moon in Pisces, you lack self-direction as you feel that it is futile work hard to have a goal in life. You prefer to daydream and engage in spiritual side of things. As you clearly cannot avoid reality, you can try to live in the physical world through spiritual practices such as art, cooking or meditation. Your are not an independent person, as your emotion disables you when you face trouble. You are empathetic to a fault, meaning you can be taken advantage easily.

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Romance wise, Pisces moon sign are full of dreams and unrealistic expectations. It is easy for you to fall in love, and you put your potential partner on a pedestal. When your partner lets you down, you cannot cope and will have a breakdown. Moon in Pisces are difficult to offend, because you have a removed point of view. Your kindness makes you a perfect prey for negative relationships. You are also target for negative vices such as drugs and alcohol due to your appetite to escape from reality. You have to strengthen your spiritual boundaries and be more self-reliant, and also to accept that people are not perfect.

Best traits: empathetic, kind and intuitive

Worst traits: dependent, unmotivated in life, reliant

Pisces Moon Sign Relationships

Pisces Moon & Aries Moon

Pisces Moon, you and Aries Moon may get along if one of you compromises regularly, it will most likely be you Pisces. Your passivity and gentleness is direct contrast to Moon Aries’ bossiness. You see the world differently, hence you both need to work on this partnership. In a work relationship, Aries can help Pisces tremendously by being the boss you need. As a friend, Aries will look after you well, romantically, it is a different story.

Pisces moon, you avoid conflict and can become emotionally distraught when confronted. Moon Aries thrives on confrontation, and is always ready to tackle new challenges. You are sensitive to emotions, and Aries tends to have a short fuse when it comes to crisis. They might forget about it later, but you will be left feeling disturbed after that. You inability to be self-reliant can make independent Aries feel stifled. You cannot get used to the Ram wanting personal freedom, which adds to the trouble.

If Pisces, you and Aries pull this moon sign compatibility off, you have to learn to have more self-direction, and assertiveness. Aries might have to learn temper control, and remember not to be bossy when it comes to decision making. Moon Aries will struggle to give up dominating you, and you will have to learn how to make decisions. This partnership is difficult romantically, as you are not very compatible.

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Pisces Moon & Taurus Moon

You, Moon Pisces can be happy with Moon Taurus. You can be loyal, true friends because of your traits. You are both loving and sympathetic, and share a love of the natural world and music. Together, you will create a harmonious and tranquil home.

But you are emotionally different. Pisces, you can be impractical and lack self-direction, in contrast, to Moon Taurus’ grounded and practical character. To create a stronger relationship, Moon Taurus has to look after the practical aspect of things, which may cause some friction long term. Pisces’ empathy can amplify Taurus’ nurturing side.

You are a compatible couple, as your differences can be done away with in this moon sign compatibility for marriage. Taurus can be your rock during troubling times. Your sensitivity harmonizes with Taurus’ emotionally reserved personality, while the bull loves to be appreciated, and you do that wonderfully.

Pisces Moon & Gemini Moon

Pisces, you and Gemini Moon have little in common, but many differences set you apart. Moon Gemini gives intellect and thoughts more weight than feelings, while you Pisces tend to put feelings first. Gemini is all about experience and loves stimulation, and you prefer to daydream the day away. Both of you have mood swings and you are both capricious.

Emotionally, Gemini treats them lightly while you feel them at a deeper level. You get offended when Gemini tries to make jokes. They find your mood swings a challenge. Although you may like the same things, you appreciate them differently. Pisces you value your intuition, and Moon Gemini prefers using intellect and logic to experience arts.

If you work together, there is much to learn from each other. Pisces you can pick up some objective views from Gemini, and Gemini can learn…

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