12 Root Chakra Stones | Stability, Vitality & Grounding | Cosmic Cuts©

INSIDE: The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system. Balancing it with root chakra stones can have profound benefits for your health and well-being.


The root chakra, otherwise known as the base chakra, is the first chakra in the body’s main energy system and it is located at the base of the spine.

It manages the connection between our energetic system and the physical world and it serves as the foundation for the whole energy system in the body; therefore, when this chakra is out of balance, it will affect all of the other chakras.

It is the most dense of all the chakras and it vibrates at the slowest frequency. It is associated with the earth element and the colors red and black.

Color – Red & Black

Element – Earth

Main Functions – Grounding, Stability, Security, Safety, Survival

Areas of the Body – Feet, Legs, Colon, Bladder, Kidneys, Lower Back, Adrenal Glands, Bones, Muscles

What You Need to Know About the Root Chakra

The root chakra is the energy center that governs our survival and basic needs, so anything related to shelter, food, sleep, money, physical vitality, and even emotional needs like love and affection are managed by this chakra.

It has to do with our sense of stability, which includes the physical stability we find in nature as well as the stability of our family history, including our ancestors and our culture.

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Issues from past lives, especially those that threaten basic survival are passed down through generations, which causes unconscious generational patterns. Since our ancestral memories are held in the root chakra, releasing our past life karma will help to unblock the root chakra.

Kundalini awakening starts at the base of the spine, so it is imperative that you get your root chakra flowing optimally before attempting to work on the other chakras.

Root Chakra Foundation

What a Balanced Root Chakra Looks Like

When the root chakra is well balanced, we will feel grounded and connected to the earth, the people in our lives, and the present moment. We will feel that our lives are purposeful and balanced. 

Money won’t be an issue when your root chakra is in balance and it will feel easy to manifest prosperity and opportunities.

Our physical vitality and strength will be at its best and we will feel like we have all of the physical energy we need to go about our daily life.

Your integrity, self-esteem, and will to live are all associated with the root chakra, so when it is balanced, you’ll feel excited, passionate, and motivated, and your personal growth will soar.

The root chakra governs your instinctual nature and your fight or flight response; therefore, when it is working optimally, you’ll be resourceful, courageous, and stress-free. Your five senses will be more intense and bold, helping you to experience life in new ways.

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Chakra Stones for Sale

What an Unbalanced Root Chakra Looks Like

If this chakra is out of balance, it is normal to struggle to feel safe physically or emotionally. Fears and insecurities can pop up. We might feel uncertain or confused about our life path or struggle with issues related to our sense of belonging.

The root chakra is associated with our foundation, so issues with your feet can come up when this chakra is out of balance. And since it governs the colon, you might experience constipation. 

Attachment issues, such as holding onto objects or beliefs, come out of an unbalanced root chakra. Our sense of physical identity and our support system might be out of wack as well.

Disillusionment stems from the root chakra, which can cause us to live in a reality that is not based on facts yet it will feel very real to us.

Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra

As you’ve seen above, when there is a blockage in the root chakra, it can show up as various symptoms in the body. Here’s a concise list of what might occur…

Physical Symptoms

  • Low blood pressure
  • Anemia
  • Digestive issues
  • Bowel-related issues
  • Constipation
  • Lower back pain
  • Bladder issues
  • Leg or feet issues
  • Prostate issues
  • Kidney issues
  • Issues with arterial blood flow
  • Bone and muscle conditions
  • Adrenal gland issues
  • Cramps
  • Inflammation
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Mental & Emotional Symptoms

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Negativity
  • Cynicism
  • Greed
  • Eating disorders
  • Insecurities
  • Living in survival mode
  • Overly cautious
  • Living in fear
  • Paranoia
  • Weight issues
  • Feeling stuck
  • Mistrust
  • Nightmares
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of energy
  • Worry
  • Panic
  • Frustration
  • Resentment
  • Anger
  • Loss of interest in life
  • Feeling threatened
  • Lack of focus
  • Disorganization
  • Pessimism
  • Closed mindedness
  • Overthinking
  • Emotional disconnection
  • Disconnection from the body

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