When Soulmates Break Up (A Guide To Mending The Heart)

When soulmates break up, it can be one of the most painful experiences in life. 

It’s like losing a piece of yourself and having to watch as it fades further away from you.

There are many reasons why soulmates break up. 

Sometimes it’s just because they’re not meant to be together, and sometimes it’s because one or both parties had unresolved issues that kept them from being happy together.

If you have been through the pain of losing your soulmate, this article will provide you with a guide on how to deal with a soulmate breakup.

What Happens When Soulmates Break Up?

If you’ve ever been with someone who was your soulmate, then you know what it feels like to be with them. 

They make you feel complete, they make you feel like you’re home. 

Unfortunately, there are times when a soulmate is not meant to be. 

This can happen if they don’t want to commit or if they have other things going on in their life that prevent them from being with you long term.

When this happens, it’s crucial that you don’t let yourself fall into a depression because of this breakup. 

It’s important to remember that even though the relationship ended, there will always be people out there who are meant for each other and who will love each other forever.

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What to Do When Your Soulmate Breaks Up With You?

When your soulmate breaks up with you

When your soulmate breaks up with you, it can feel like the end of the world. 

But here’s the good news – you aren’t going to die. 

And even though you’ll be sad for a while, it’s possible to survive this breakup. 

In fact, if you’re willing to put in some effort and go through these steps—and especially if you don’t do anything stupid like contact your soulmate—you may even come out stronger than before!

1. Allow yourself to feel pain and loss

It’s important to allow yourself to feel the pain and loss. You can’t stop the pain, but you can feel it. 

And although there are no magic words that will make the pain go away, there are things you can do to help yourself through it.

You deserve to mourn the loss of your relationship and grieve in whatever way feels right for you. 

It’s okay if this means crying over ice cream with a friend or watching a tearjerker movie all by yourself on Netflix until midnight every night for two weeks straight. 

Just let yourself do what feels right at this point (even if it seems excessive). 

You deserve that much!

2. Don’t try to fix it

This can be a tough one, but it is crucial to your healing process. 

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You don’t want to waste your time trying to “fix” something that is unfixable and you’ll only end up doing more damage in the process. 

Don’t try to change how they feel or what they think or how they see things, etc. 

Let them go on with their life without having any contact with you (except for the occasional message if needed) so that they can figure out what works for them as an individual and not for some misguided attempt at bringing back a relationship that has already ended.

Letting go of someone who has broken up with you can be extremely difficult. 

But it’s essential if you want to move forward in life without being weighed down by negative emotions and thoughts about someone who doesn’t want anything from you anymore except space! 

If your soulmate wants nothing else from this breakup but peace of mind, then all you need to do is give them space while also focusing on making yourself happy again!

3. Take care of yourself

When you’re going through a breakup, it’s important to take care of yourself. 

This means getting enough sleep, eating well, spending time doing things that make you happy, and being kind to yourself in general. 

You may want to be gentle with yourself as well. 

Avoid focusing on how horrible the breakup makes you feel because that can lead to obsessive thinking about your ex or how much you miss them (which will only make things worse). 

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It might sound counterintuitive, but letting go of these negative thoughts and focusing on positive ones will help speed up the healing process.

4. Don’t wallow in self-pity

You may find yourself feeling like a victim, and that’s okay. 

But you need to remember that what happened was not your fault ― and it’s important not to let the actions of someone else define who you are as a person.

You also don’t want to blame yourself for things that have nothing to do with this breakup. 

This can include situations from earlier in your relationship, or even from before you were together at all (such as if one or both of your parents divorced when you were young). 

Letting old baggage affect how you feel about yourself now will only hurt more in the long run.

Don’t allow this person’s actions define yours; don’t let them decide what your future looks like either! 

If they think they’re better off…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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