Crystals for Empaths that Protect and Boost Your Energy

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Do you find yourself taking on the emotions of others?

Do you struggle with boundaries or staying grounded?

Are you really sensitive and easily overwhelmed when you have to be around a lot of people?

Do random people you’ve never met tell you intimate details about their lives (without you even asking?)

If so, crystals for empaths can help!

Crystals can help you protect your energy, keep your boundaries, and feel better overall when you’re around other people!

Let’s discuss the best crystals for empaths and how to use them!

crystals for empaths (clear quartz in a dish)

How Do Crystals for Empaths Help?

Crystals have their own energetic frequency and inherent properties that come from their mineral makeup.

If you’re an empath, you already know that you can easily tap into the energy of others. That means you’re also able to tap into the energy of crystals!

Crystals can help you with energy protection, creating an energetic bubble around yourself so you aren’t as susceptible to other people’s emotions.

They can also protect you from negative energy, stress, and energy vampires.

Crystals can help you ground your energy.

These crystals help you release other people’s emotions, destress, and feel more grounded and centered in your own body.

They can help you let go of emotions and thoughts that aren’t yours so that you feel more like yourself!

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Crystals can also help you feel more energetic and positive.

They can increase optimism and intuition, and help you feel better overall.

The Best Crystals for Empaths:

smoky quartz polished stone

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz connects you to the earth’s energy. It transmutes negative energy into positive energy. It protects your aura from lower vibrations while calling on your personal power of transformation. It helps you tap into your inner power while keeping you grounded and safe.

black obsidian tumbles

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is one of the most powerful crystals for grounding and protection energies. It is a great crystal to use when you need to be protected from unwanted energies or you need to cut energetic ties. It can help you call all of your personal energy back into your body while protecting you from outside influence.

black kyanite crystal

Black Kyanite

Black Kyanite absorbs and transmutes negative energy but it’s also self-cleansing, so it never needs to be cleansed or charged. It’s great for meditation because it alleviates stress, anxiety, doubts, and negative emotions. It also balances the root chakra, helping you feel more grounded and stable even in chaotic environments.

black tourmaline crystal

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline absorbs negative energy so that you can remove it from your home, aura, or anywhere that needs it. It is also known to protect from EMF (electromagnetic fields) and psychic attacks. It is grounding, centering, and purifying – helping you to balance and protect energy all over your home and body. It also helps with mental and emotional clarity!

polished lapis lazuli stone

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli attracts serenity, peace, and harmony. It opens and balances the upper chakras, cleansing negative and stressful energy. It can also connect you with the spirit realm and your higher self, bringing that wisdom into the physical realm. Empaths will find that lapis lazuli can help you hear your own intuition and inner wisdom and communicate it.

hand holding clear quartz tower

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is known as the master healer because it can cleanse and balance the energy of anything near it. It is also an amplification crystal, absorbing and expanding the energy field of any crystals nearby! Clear quartz can help you with mental and emotional clarity. It can also be programmed to hold any intention, so you can use it for ANY situation!

selenite tower and citrine bracelet


Selenite is an energy cleanser that can remove negative energy from your aura. It even cleanses and charges other crystals! It is the stone of spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realm. Selenite melts away anything that’s holding you back, transmuting negative energy into liquid light.

amethyst flower crystal


Amethyst is a great stress reliever, helping you bring balance into your mind and body. It increases intuition and perception while reducing confusion and negative thinking. It protects from negative energy without being as grounding and heavy as other protection crystals. It also enhances inspiration, meditation, and spirituality.

malachite tumbles


Malachite is the stone of transformation. It can help you break patterns that are holding you back spiritually, emotionally, and mentally! It is also a stone of manifestation and change, helping you create your best life. Malachite is also a powerful protection stone, shielding you from negative energy and enhancing intuition!

red garnet stone


Garnet cleanses and reenergizes your aura by absorbing negative energy and dispelling it into the earth. It helps with grounding, centering, and stabilizing energy. It is also well-known for…

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