Who Are on Your Spirit Team?

Article by Tracey Matthews

There are so many wonderful spirit Beings, two significant ones have our back and will help us at the drop of a hat and are specifically assigned to us throughout our incarnation.

In my younger years, an underlying fear about the spirit world kept them at arm’s length which unfortunately made my acquaintance, distant.

When I allowed them in, they changed my life!

Angels and Guides

I love my Angel and trust his guidance and protection, he is my rock assisting me in life. I am most grateful for his direction in revealing to me my Soul purpose through the Akashic Records, supporting me with my Twin Soul connection in this lifetime and providing me with all necessary information and direction I could ever ask for.

My Guides are amazing and I totally value their expertise and personal assistance, each one having a specific role. Our Akashic Records reveal we can have between 4 to 7 Guides assisting us. We attract Guides who are well experienced in the issues and lessons we are learning. When we step onto our spiritual path, we also attract new Guides and there are Special Assignment Guides that will give us the most assistance we require for a specific time. Our own Records can give us an in-depth accurate view of how many Guides are assigned to us in this lifetime and what exactly each Guide’s role is on our team.

Who Are on Your Spirit Team?

Image by WelshPixie

How to communicate with Spirit

Every one of us has a unique way to tap into our Angels and Guides, our everyday lives open many occasions for us to develop these spiritual senses. The spiritual practices we may be engaging in, such as meditation, yoga or simply whilst walking in nature can be used as ways of developing our spiritual sense. It’s those precious quiet moments, we may see colours, symbols or bits of information that intuitively means something to us, a whisper of a word or phrase. You might have clear knowing of something or a situation that is the truth or just intuitively feel emotions or physical sensations that confirms something to you.

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Messages from Spirit often seems like is coming from ourselves, as we gain awareness of ourselves, it’s then our identity and self-awareness waken, recognising our higher self and being aware of them.


Reiki keeps us connected!

Our busy lifestyle means it’s easy to be consumed with everyday living, we can lose our way, even the essence of who we are can become diminished in our personal resolve by putting up with things in life that does nothing for us. Through the learned practice of Reiki, we stay connected so we can hear when our Angel and Guides’ whisper.

Conscious awareness is a beautiful thing and I’m learning to respect mine more as time goes by, because when it’s time to know something or to connect, it will happen! This is what makes our personal journey so uniquely our own.

We are not alone in our journey and whilst we get to know our true Soul self, we gain clarity in our human experience. Our Angels,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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