7 Reasons Why The Law of Attraction Isn’t Working For You | Aglow Lifestyle

The law of attraction can be an amazing tool to help you manifest your desires and create the life of your dreams. However, it can be disheartening when you can’t see the results working for you. Here are seven reasons why the law of attraction might not be working for you.

Can The Law of Attraction Work For Everyone?

Yes, the law of attraction can work for everyone.

If you are not yet familiar with the law of attraction, it’s a universal metaphysical law that states “like attracts like”.

Simply put, your thoughts create your reality. Whatever you think about and feel strongly about (positive or negative) manifests in your life, ultimately creating what you experience as your reality.

If you’re thinking, “well, if this is true, then why doesn’t everything I want just come to me easily?”- It’s because there are other factors involved than just simply thinking about something to make it happen.

Tapping into the law of attraction will help manifest things in your life.

Still, many other factors are at play, such as action steps and allowing time for things to unfold naturally without trying to speed up the process.

Sometimes the law of attraction doesn’t work for someone because they haven’t mastered the steps for successfully applying it.

Getting clear on your desires and what you want to attract is the first step, but sometimes even that isn’t enough.

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Below are a few other reasons why the law of attraction might not be working for you.

7 Reasons Why The Law of Attraction Isn’t Working

1. Lack of belief

Often, people don’t see results when applying the law of attraction because they still lack belief and faith that it works.

The only way you will manifest your desires is if you believe they can be achieved. If you doubt that it can be, you are sending out a strong vibration to the universe that you don’t think is possible and, therefore, will attract more experiences that show you that it’s not possible.

You can use positive affirmations to cancel out your doubts. Positive affirmations are statements you make to yourself in the present tense about something you want.

For example:

  • “I am attracting exactly what I need in my life right now to feel content.”
  • “I’m so thankful that the universe is always listening and brings me everything I want.”
  • “I can attract all of my desires easily, effortlessly, and quickly.”

Doubt and lack of belief will ruin your chances of manifesting your desires. You must believe that it is possible for you, even if you have no evidence to support it right now.

When applying the law of attraction, you are opening yourself up to receive your desires. If you don’t honestly believe that what you want can be achieved, then there’s no way for it to come into your life.

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2. Intentions aren’t clear

To attract anything into your life using the law of attraction, you must have a very clear intention that focuses on what you want. If your intentions aren’t clear, they are weak and will not be clear to the universe.

You must know exactly what it is you want, including details about your desire. Whatever you want, sit down and take time to visualize exactly how it would feel in your life when you get it. Get clear on that feeling and have an intention for it to come into your life.

Your intentions should be as detailed and clear as possible. It may take some time to think about what you want, but it will be worth it in the end when your intentions are clear, and you start seeing results more quickly.

3. Being impatient

When manifesting things into your life using the law of attraction, you must have an understanding that it’s going to take some time.

It may not seem possible for a particular desire to come to you right now, but you need to remember that everything takes time. There are many factors at play – both within you and outside of you – so never expect instant results!

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You also have to understand that being impatient isn’t going to help anything either. Being impatient will only create disappointment if you try forcing them into coming too soon. When applying the law of attraction, it’s essential to be patient and have faith in the universe’s timing.

When you practice patience, it can help you let go of your attachment to your desires and make it easier for you to manifest them when the time is right.

4. Don’t appreciate what you already have

When applying the law of attraction, people tend to want more, and although that’s fine, they often forget about being grateful for what they already have.

Appreciation is critical if you want to manifest things into your life because you must be grateful for it before receiving even more. Be grateful for everything you already have in your life (and not taking anything for granted), and then start looking at how you can receive more.

The universe cannot give you what you don’t appreciate! It doesn’t matter how much money or material objects someone has; if they do not…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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