Why Writing Down To Manifest Works

Have you ever had an experience, where you wrote down a list of your desires, and had them manifest?

In today’s article, I’m going to explain why writing things down to manifest works.

I’m also going to give you a few pointers, so you can get started with manifesting by writing, right away!

First, A Story.

How I Stumbled Upon Writing To Manifest My Dreams

So firstly it all started when I was a teenager.

I didn’t Google it or anything.

I just sat down one day to write a list of things I dreamed about having.

At that point in my life, and because of my background, I didn’t really believe I could have those things – but I had always loved to dream.

I took pleasure from daydreaming about things that seemed impossible. And I still do.

So I wrote a bunch of things down…

My very own laptop (unthinkable!),

A guitar (never going to happen),

A piano (they’ll never let me have one),

And so on, and so forth.

But I wasn’t writing and thinking about how possible or impossible it would be for me.

I Just Wrote For The Sheer Pleasure Of It.

I felt good.

Then I forgot about it.

Years Later…

I was moving my things into my very own home, when I stumbled on an old notebook of mine. Curious of what I’d find – because I was always writing things – I opened it up.

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There, right there, was my old list.

I laughed at it, and then I stopped. Wait a minute, I thought. I read through that list and guess what I had noticed?

Every single thing on that list came true!

I mean, I was just floored.

Years later, I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in ages. I decided I was going to buy her a neck tie, and some perfume.

She loves her ties, and I thought the perfume would be a nice touch.

When I was about to leave, I remembered I’d left the gifts in my car. I went out, got them, gave them to her.

She stood looking at me funny for about 30 minutes. “What? You don’t like ‘em?”

Wordlessly, she took me back into her house and showed me a list she had made.

On it, she had written “tie” as well as the exact brand of perfume I had gotten her.

That is how powerful writing is.

It’s All About Focus

Do you want to know why writing things down to manifest works?

Whenever you write – whether with pen on paper, or on a laptop – you’ve got to focus.

There’s something about sitting down and collecting your thoughts, then translating them onto paper or a screen.

Therein lies the secret to manifesting with writing. The focus of attention.

Whatever You Put Your Attention On Grows

When you pay attention to something – in other words, focus on something – what you’re doing is you are concentrating the energy of All-That-Is on this one thing.

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That energy draws more things vibrating at the same rate as it.

The more you focus on something, the more whatever you’re focussed on increases or expands.

When you write, all your attention is on creating the words that you put down on paper.

And back of the words, is the intent or the energy that you’re putting into them. That focussed energy is why writing things down to manifest works.

Desire, Untainted By Doubt, Must Manifest.

The thing about desire is once you have it, it’s fulfillment is also yours.

But what most people do is, they get a desire, enjoy it for a split second, then shoot it down with “Oh it will never happen anyway.”


“Yeah but then I’d  have to do this and that and I don’t have the means to do any of it.”

Well, writing works, because in that moment, you’re writing down your desire.

So your attention is on your desire, not on your doubts.

Since you’re watering your desire with your attention, it has no choice but to grow into an actual manifestation, sooner or later!

How to Write Your Manifestations into Being

So, you’re going to need a pen and paper, obviously.

If you like you can use your laptop. Personally, I prefer the feel of pen and paper, and something about good old-fashioned writing feels really deliberate.

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There is really no wrong way to do this, as long as you feel good as you do it.

1. Identify your desires.

Let’s pretend you’d love to get lean. Your focus would be NOT on “losing weight” but on the heart of the matter itself – “a lean body.”

2. Write it down.

You could simply write down “lean body.” If that doesn’t gel for you, you can move on to step 3.

3. Write down in detail what it feels like to have what you want.

So, as an example: “I have a really lean body now. I walk into the store and I forget I should be looking for size 4 clothes, not size 8!

I don’t worry about what I look anymore. I wear clothes because I love how I look in them.

I remember when I used to pick clothes based on how well…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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