How To Understand Your Life Purpose As An OLD SOUL

Understanding your life purpose as an old soul can be tough in the 21st Century.

The modern world comes with a very strict set of values and guidelines to live by, which most of the time revolves around the material side of life.

Modern society tells us everything we must do in order to be considered successful – graduate high school, go to college straight after, get a well-paid job, get married, have kids, live in a white fenced house, and so on.

It looks like there is a standard scenario by which we must all live our lives.

Society tries to put us in a box – people who don’t earn enough or don’t follow the so-called “recipe of success”, will be judged, will be left out, or simply will not be considered successful.

This is especially hard for old souls because they have lived through so many incarnations and they have learned so many lessons, that they already know there is no exact recipe for success.

They also already know how shallow it is to only focus on the materialistic side of life – they have already been there and done that, so now they are ready to move onto the next level.

Thus, they are usually inclined towards the spiritual side of life, they are more interested in growing and learning and they have an innate need of being true to their own values.

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If you are an old soul, you know what I mean.

You also probably struggle to find your life purpose in a society that tries really hard to push you further from the things you truly value.

So how do you understand your life purpose as an old soul?

Your life purpose as an old soul is related to your own spiritual evolution and most likely involves helping other people on their spiritual path as well. In other words, you are here to grow, heal, learn and integrate life lessons that will help you release yourself from the karmic cycle, but also to heal others and help them do the same.

In the spiritual realm, Earth is considered a correction school for souls.

Few come to relax and enjoy the ride, most come to learn lessons they failed to learn before.

Also, as an old soul, you possess much ancestral wisdom.

Therefore, you have the duty to be a contribution to other people and help them advance on their own spiritual path.

But every old soul has to fulfill their healing mission in a unique, different way – a way tailored to their abilities and life lessons.

In order to find out how you are going to do this, there are a few steps you should take.

5 Steps To Understanding Your Life Purpose As An Old Soul

1. Get Rid Of Your Fake Self

Old soul running down road

 A fake self is something we all have – that image of ourselves that we show to others in order to meet their expectations.

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The fake self is that mask that we put on in society – the appearance that we are in a certain way and that we love certain things, only to live up to society’s standards.

The problem is that most of us wear this mask so much that we forget who we are underneath it.

We forget who we really are and what makes us, us.

We forget our needs, desires, most hidden fears, and vulnerabilities.

And that is to be expected, due to the fact that from a very young age we are given a name we don’t get to choose, we are told who to be, how much to earn, and sometimes even what to do for a living.

Therefore, we make the decision that we should be in a certain way.

The fake self is built from other people’s expectations and also from the decisions we took about ourselves.

For example, if at some point in your childhood you decided you must be rich because you came from a poor family and you suffered because of poverty, your fake self will be a person very concerned with money and material possessions.

In order to discover who you really are and what is your life purpose, the first step is to remove the mask.

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Get rid of internalized expectations of others and let go of any decision you took about who you should be, and allow yourself to be who you really are.

2. Do The Healing Work On Yourself 

old soul woman meditating

I’ve probably talked about the importance of healing yourself in many of my articles, and that is due to the fact that without healing there is no personal and spiritual evolution.

Without healing your past traumas and wounds, you probably would not even be able to fulfill your life purpose.

Healing is a journey meant to turn you into the best version of yourself.

This may sound like a cliché, however, it’s true.

Life on earth is meant to help us grow spiritually.

We come here needing to learn a few lessons, and after learning them, we are a better, wiser, stronger version of ourselves, ready to move to the next level, both in this life and in the next ones.

There is no fixed recipe for healing, just the way there is no fixed recipe for living your life. Embrace whatever…

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