Yellow Crystals for Confidence, Creativity & Vibrant Energy

INSIDE: When you have yellow crystals by your side, you can expect to experience greater levels of confidence, energy, and creativity. Read on to learn more!


Self-confidence is so much more than just believing in oneself. One of the many studies published by Positive Psychology has confirmed that healthy self-confidence has a positive correlation with better health, better social life, and better performance in procession.

That being said, by changing how we see ourselves, we can change all other aspects of our lives.

Practicing a shift in perspective takes time, and it is a very human experience to find it difficult to love ourselves sometimes.

What can help us on this path of self-acceptance is the healing energy of yellow crystals. Let’s discover what they are all about!

The Symbolism Of Yellow Crystals

Self-worth, courage, and vitality are just some of the key elements connected to the healing energy of the color yellow. 

Yellow crystals support identity and self-expression. Connected to the Sun, they are connected to our power. They resonate with authenticity and honesty, both with ourselves and others.

Because of these properties, they are deeply connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Yellow is the color of joy and creativity, and so these crystals spark our enthusiasm and excitement. They carry the symbolism of joy, happiness, and friendliness.

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Their meaning is deeply entwined with our sense of self and what truly makes us happy.

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What Makes Yellow Gemstones So Healing?

When our solar plexus chakra is unbalanced, we struggle with accepting ourselves. We can be harsh and self-critical, deeming ourselves unworthy.

Our belief system works to sabotage us and keep us small, and so we find it difficult to embrace our individuality. We remain stay stuck with feelings of guilt, shame, or remorse.

When the solar plexus is blocked, we are often afraid of rejection and at the same time, we reject ourselves. We find it difficult to defend ourselves, say no, and escape the victim mentality.

Our boundaries are not clear, and many times, we do things that are not beneficial for us for the sake of acceptance or because of fear. We allow others to take the lead, and sometimes, we even end up being taken for granted. 

Every time we feel like we are not good enough and begin to engage in self-sabotaging behavior, our solar plexus chakra is closed off to positive energy. 

Thankfully, yellow gemstones can help.

Willpower & Empowerment

Yellow crystals are crystals of willpower and this helps us get in the driving seat and lead our life unapologetically, the way it feels natural and good for us.

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We are able to feel like leaders in our own lives and can stop following the crowd if what they are doing isn’t in alignment with who we are. We feel empowered and all of this brings us a sense of true fulfillment and joy.

Creativity & Confidence

Because these crystals support freedom of thought expression, they promote creative endeavors, new projects, and ideas, but they also help us embrace our sexuality and physicality.

That being said, they are known to be wonderful confidence boosters, helping us feel amazing in our skin and enhancing our attractiveness. When we love who we are, we will find that things simply fall into place without us having to fight for love, approval, or appreciation.

Success & Wealth

Yellow crystals help us heal the part of ourselves that we think is unacceptable, so we can accept it and lovingly embrace it. Naturally, this boosts our leadership skills, too. This can spill not only into the professional arena but also into our personal life.

When we live authentically, we naturally become better diplomats, unafraid to take leaps of faith or make changes. We become less afraid to take charge and make decisions.  Because of that, these stones are known to be incredibly potent in attracting wealth and prosperity.

Success becomes more attainable and we find ourselves encouraged to pursue our ambitions. These crystals can help us become more responsible, organized, and balanced.

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Balance & Going With the Flow

We learn to follow our gut instincts, instead of relying on outside approval. This sparks independence and creates space for greater clarity and perception.

These crystals help us overcome the tendency to intellectualize events, so that we can simply learn to live in the moment.

By doing so, yellow stones help us establish a strong mental and emotional balance, so we are not so easily shaken by doubt. They can help us become incredibly decisive, organized, and determined.

Identity & Authenticity

This energy encourages us to explore and then express who we are, without fear of judgment. High vibrations like this helps remove anything that doesn’t serve our greatest good, such as self-criticism or pessimism.

Yellow gemstones are particularly healing regarding all matters related to our identity, who we are at our core of being. They give us the courage to express this personal uniqueness and…

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