This Is How To STOP Manifesting What You DON’T Want

Sometimes it may seem like you are really good at manifesting negative situations, this is possibly because the mainstream culture has accepted and promoted a reality that is often fear-based and pre-emptive of the worse case situation.

When you begin to understand the workings of manifestation you know that what you get is what you truly believe and think about the most and with the most emotional charge.

The good news is that every negative situation provides an opportunity to clarify and realign with what you desire most and so you can then decide to consciously manifest those desires.

Within this article we will explore in-depth how you can stop manifesting what you don’t want by understanding the role of unconscious intrusive thoughts and emotions as well as fears; these are the main causes of manifesting the unwanted.

Can Intrusive Negative Thoughts Manifest?

can negative thoughts manifest?

Understanding the role of thoughts in manifestation

When you come across the common statement ‘your thoughts create your reality’ that is associated with manifestation and even while knowing this you find yourself struggling with intrusive thoughts, mental chatter, and anxiety, you then maybe begin to worry that these intrusive thoughts will manifest into reality.

The thing we need to become aware of is that this worry adds more emotional potency to such thoughts which will make them more likely to manifest.

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 The law of attraction is unbiased in manifesting situations that are good or bad.

It is what you give your focus and energy to the most that will manifest, charging these intrusive thoughts by attributing negative meaning through negative attention.

We must understand that it is not our thoughts alone that set into motion a manifestation, it the emotion and attention we continually give to an idea or thought that causes it to manifest. It is all about how we react to our thoughts.

To answer the question…can intrusive thoughts manifest?

With the above been said, it is not a definite yes or no that intrusive thoughts will manifest.

It is really dependant on the dominance of the thought and mostly dependant on how you deal with the intrusive thought that will determine if it manifests how much it manifests or if it does not manifest.

You will find some information in the next section of this article that will help you to actively stop manifesting your fears.  

How To Stop Manifesting Your Fears   

stop manifesting your fears

A comforting piece of information to note is that with all manifestation there is a lag time or delay before any thought becomes fully manifest.

Manifestation is not instantaneous and this lag time allows us a grace period to change our mind, to turn our attention anew, turn the thoughts around, to get clear and realign.

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The following practices and perspectives can assist you to stop manifesting what you do not want:

1. Meditation 

Meditation is a potent practice that generally entails using an intentional focus on the breath, silence, or a specific object of attention (such as neutrally observing thought forms).

The stillness, presence, and focus that a dedicated meditation practice cultivates will allow you to become more mindful.

Being aware of your present moment thoughts through meditation will allow you to become aware of any unwanted thoughts and deal with them consciously before they fully manifest. Mediation can also assist you in intentionally choosing your thoughts, energizing, and aligning as these are key ingredients in conscious manifestation.

You can integrate other powerful manifestation techniques such as visualization and affirmation within meditation. 

2. Raise Your Vibration

Actively cultivating wellbeing and ease as your dominant perspective and state of being will both prevent you from manifesting your fears and call in high vibrational wanted manifestations.

When your thoughts and emotions are of a high vibration you will naturally be energized and be able to consciously manifest. In order to raise your vibration practice meditation as mentioned above as well as practices such as positive affirmations, sound healing frequencies, crystal healing, and ecstatic dance.

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Taking great care of your physical body with a clean healthy diet and physical training will assist you in keeping your energy body vibrant and your vibe high.

The most powerful practice to maintain a high vibration is gratitude; this will be sure to raise your vibration and a daily gratitude practice works wonders in alleviating or counteracting any intrusive thoughts and fears that may be manifesting.

Practice gratitude by simply noticing and feeling grateful throughout your day for each and every blessing, you can also practice gratitude within meditation, journaling, or by communicating and radiating gratitude to those around you.

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