Astrology and Uranus Retrograde 2022

Who cares if change is upsetting? Uranus sure doesn’t!

Well – as an archetype Uranus just doesn’t give a f*** and probably finds it quite hilarious that we try to predict the effect its movement will have on us. As astrologers say: “if you knew it was coming, it wasn’t Uranian.” Uranus is the unpredictability that literally ejects us from our metaphorical, and sometimes literal seats. It reflects the part of ourselves that demands freedom at any cost. No price is too high to pay. No fall is too far. Uranus is the Awakener!

Expect the unexpected!

The common theme with Uranus is: Expect the unexpected!

Uranian energy comes like a strike of lightning. It knocks us upside down until we are able to see from a new perspective. It literally shocks us into awareness…or into disassociation, depending on our state, circumstances, and choices. Sometimes disassociation is an act of self-preservation that temporarily saves our sanity. When we are not ready to have an experience, separating ourselves from it can be a lifesaver, allowing us to function without breaking down or completely shutting down. At some point, these fractured memories will need to be integrated.

Rolling around up there in the sky

In its home in the solar system, Uranus rolls on its side in space. This unusual orbit is a fine fit with our personification of the renegade planet. It just doesn’t do anything “normally,” and it doesn’t take “normal” as a compliment.

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Uranus takes about 84 years to orbit the Sun, spending approximately seven years in each astrological sign. Uranus Retrograde is a regular cycle every year, lasting 155 days as the planet moves four degrees backward through the zodiac.

This year, Uranus will begin its retrograde movement on August 24, 2022, and will continue until January 22, 2023.

The Great Awakener

Uranus rules Aquarius and we often clump them together in our study and understanding of them. There are similarities, but also differences. Aquarius is a sign that is part of our 12 sign zodiac. Signs are also known as domains of consciousness. Aquarius, as a domain of consciousness, is coming from Capricorn and moving toward Pisces. It is greatly influenced by both of these signs and all the signs in the wheel. Signs don’t operate alone, but planets are like players in a game. They can work together, but they are independent.

Uranus is a free agent. Uranian energy, on its own, is not weighed down by expectations. It is not encumbered by form. It is the best example we have of truly free-thinking. It has nothing to prove to anyone else. It’s not concerned with ownership or preserving its reputation. Uranus as an archetype is unbound.

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Uranus is the Great Awakener that brings you back to yourself!

Symptoms of awakening

Have a hard time focusing long enough to read this sentence, let alone this entire blog of words? Linked with electricity and the nervous system, Uranus activity and influence can make us feel restless, twitchy, almost like we’re short-circuiting. Imagine lightning in your veins or serious ants in your pants. And going to sleep…forget it!

Uranus represents liberation, innovation, collective memory, change, revolution, free spirit, mental brilliance, and unconventionality. Uranus represents breaking away from the mainstream. It is the desire to be rid of old conditions and constraints. All this ditching of the past and the “known” can result in feeling alone, left out, or on the outside, at least temporarily.

Imagine The Fool in the Tarot who is about to step off the cliff, not knowing where she will land. But, like an acrobat, you may learn to enjoy the formless and timeless seconds between take-off and landing …

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