11 Spiritual Meanings of Having Sex in the Dream (& Biblical)

Having sex dreams is a spiritual activity you should never ignore.

Across several religions, tribes, and cultures, this type of dream has been associated with a lot of meanings.

We will discuss all of these in this article.

However, it is important to understand that sex dreams have a biological explanation

It is believed that one of the ways we expel excess sperm as a man is by having sex dreams.

Through the orgasm that happens in this dream, you will feel relieved.

Therefore, it is not seen as a negative omen if you have wet dreams in science. 

However, this belief does not hold weight in the spiritual world.

It is believed that this dream is a powerful omen that can determine a lot in people’s lives.

When people fail to pay attention to its consistent occurrence, it might lead to a lot of negative events and turnarounds.

Although, it should also be noted that having this dream does not automatically point to negativity. 

In this article, I will reveal to you the hidden messages you can get from having a dream like this.

Therefore, read till the end to be enlightened about what it means to have sex in your dream. 

What do Sexual Dreams Mean Spiritually?

Sexual dreams in spiritual world

Sexual dreams in the spiritual world are seen as an omen of intimacy. Biblically and across other religions, it is believed that having sex is the closest form of intimacy anyone can experience with another individual.

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Therefore, dreams about sex talk about intimacy in the spiritual world.

This is why people who have this dream should not just have a negative disposition toward it.

There can be a lot of goodness in having this dream.

The only negative side to this dream happens when you ignore it for a long time. 

Another spiritual meaning of having this type of dream talks about the possibility of getting married soon.

This is for those that are single and looking for their soulmate.

Having sex in your dream confirms the fact that you are in a season of love.

Furthermore, it guarantees that your soul mate will connect with you. 

This explains why it is not a common type of dream people have.

Among 10 people, only about 1 – 2 will have this dream in a month. It explains how spiritually relevant it is.

Let us discuss other spiritual facts concerning it. 

What does it mean when You Dream about Someone Sexually?

Mouth kiss

Dreaming about someone sexually has several spiritual meanings. The common and primary spiritual meaning of having this type of dream speaks of developing intimacy with the individual.

For example, if you dream of having sex with your younger brother or sister, it does not necessarily talk about sin or unholiness. It majorly speaks of building a closer bond with them.

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This message could be an attempt by the spiritual world to resolve every pending issue between you and your siblings. 

Additionally, it is believed that people can dream about someone sexually when their heart craves that person.

If you fall into this category, don’t think it is a negative sign to have such a dream.

It is one of the messages you can get – especially when the person you crave also has the same feeling for you.

The sex points to a mutual emotional energy transfer.

You don’t need to try to establish a connection with the person.

Over time, the connection will be established, and you will find true love and contentment. 

Dreaming about someone sexually can also be a spiritual attack, which we will discuss later on in this article. Do you want to find out? Then, keep reading

Spiritual Meaning of Making Love in a Dream

Making Love in a Dream

Making love in a dream has a lot of spiritual messages. If you are not spiritually inclined, it is possible to get lost in the myriads of messages that flood your mind.

To break it down and make it easy for you, I have outlined the following meanings to help you:

  • If you find yourself making love with someone familiar, it is a sign that the person needs more of your attention than ever before. It is an omen of love and care for other people. 
  • The moment you begin to dream of making love with the same sex, it is a spiritual sign of misplaced priorities. This means that you are beginning to lose sight of what matters. Therefore, this is a warning sign from the spiritual world. 
  • Spiritually, making love with your wife or husband in a dream reveals that you love each other deeply. This points to a high level of intimacy among couples. With this dream, you can be assured of your commitment to the relationship. 
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These 3 spiritual meanings can be used. However, I also have additional 11 spiritual meanings outlined for you.

However, let us answer 2 more important questions before delving deep into the meaning of sexual dreams. 

Spiritual Meaning of Making Love in a Dream in Christianity

Love in Christianity

The bible frowns against making love in a dream.

It sees it as an omen of spiritual attack and…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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