9 Spiritual Meanings of Shoes in a Dream (and Heels)

What is the spiritual meaning of shoes and high heels in a dream? Let’s find out!

Shoes are important to our lives.

In medieval times, people did not care so much about shoes.

They walked barefooted from one place to another. However, as times changed, the need for shoes to protect our feet became prevalent, and this led to its invention.

At first, it was about survival.

But as time rolled by, it became more about fashion, style, and elegance.

This explains the outburst of several brands making different shoes for various occasions. 

Now, this looks very normal and natural from the physical point of view.

In the spiritual world, there is a lot more to shoes than you can ever imagine.

For example, imagine dreaming of your shoe for 7 days in a row; how does that feel? Trust me, it will feel awkward and weird at some point. But what you should understand is that the universe uses this to speak to us about different aspects of our lives. 

Therefore, the next time you have that dream, there are certain things you should know.

To make this simple for you, I have outlined the different spiritual meanings you should know about having this type of dream.

Read this article to get access to all this information

What do Shoes Represent Spiritually?

Shoes in spiritual world

It has several spiritual meanings based on culture and people’s numerous perspectives. However, the common spiritual meaning has talked about the ability to take instant steps without fear.

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Now, imagine walking barefoot and encountering broken glass on the floor. You will not be confident to walk over such sharp shards of broken glass.

Your feet are exposed and will get badly hurt.

However, with shoes on your feet, you won’t need to think twice about this before walking.

The reason is that you have insurance, which is the shoe.

In our general lives, there are times we will be faced with huge decisions to make. When these moments come, you should know that the universe has your back.

But sometimes, it is very hard to know.

This is why shoes can become an important spiritual item.

Anytime you stumble on a shoe – while pacing about or thinking of how to take certain huge steps, it is a sign that the universe is with you.

This type of spiritual sign eliminates fear.

It also fills your heart with the courage to take those bold steps. This is why having such a dream is a powerful spiritual omen. 

Biblical Meaning of Shoes in a Dream

Shoes in the Bible and dreams

Biblically, dreaming of shoes helps you to take steps of faith.

God desires that His children will live a life of faith at all times.

Whenever things don’t seem to be clear in your mind, dreaming of shoes is the voice of God that can inspire you to plunge into the deep.

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When it comes to the Christian religion, faith is one of the upheld virtues.

The supernatural ability to do things against the norm and expect great results.

Therefore, this type of dream speaks of taking bold steps even when you are not sure of the outcome of those steps.

Also, dreaming of shoes points to preaching the gospel.

The Bible said the feet should be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. God can make people passionate about evangelism through this dream.

It aligns with the bible.

This is why you should consider this message after having such a dream.

If you are Christian, ask yourself certain questions as regards soul winning.

Then, work on the aspects you have defaulted. God wants you to be a soul winner. The dream about shoes you are having further confirms that. 

Spiritual Meaning of High Heels in a Dream

Spiritual Meaning of High Heels

For women, having this dream talks about seeing things from a clearer perspective. Compared to wearing flat shoes, high heels make you taller. Since it adds a little height to yours, then, you can see your environment farther than you would originally have.

Spiritually, this means you are standing on a higher pedestal of insight.

It indicates that your inner eyes can see things from a better point of view.

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Therefore, don’t be scared of making wrong decisions.

Your mind is clear enough to make those decisions.

Running in high heels in a dream spiritually means that you can do the impossible.

Because of the features of this type of shoe, it can be a bit difficult to perform certain activities like running, and so on.

However, if you dream of running in this type of shoe, then it is a morale booster.

The universe is speaking about the ability to do the impossible. 

What have you assumed is impossible? Now is the best time to stir up.

This is the moment to start thinking otherwise.

What you think is impossible can be possible if you put your heart into it, and get it done. 

Meaning of Wearing Two Different Shoes in a Dream

Two Different Shoes

Anytime this happens to you, it is a spiritual sign of confusion.

  • It indicates that you don’t know what step to take.
  • Everybody must go through…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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