23 Signs That You’re Living a Life True to Yourself — Follow Your Own Rhythm

11.  You love being in nature

There is just something about nature that makes you feel calm and at peace.  Maybe it’s the beauty, the stillness, the quietness, the slowness, the life, or just being away from it all, but there is definitely something there that grounds you and helps you connect with something deeper.

12.  You don’t worry about things that you have no control over

You don’t dwell on the past, you learn from it instead.  You also don’t worry about the future or about things that you can’t change or control. You have an underlying feeling of acceptance and trust that everything is going to be okay and work out just fine.  

13.  You express your feelings freely

If you feel like crying, you cry…if you find something funny, you laugh…if you need to talk about something, you talk about it.  You don’t let your feelings fester inside of you, and you definitely don’t suppress them.  You feel them and express them fully.

Related article:

“How to deal with and process emotional pain”

14.  You see no use in complaining, talking behind people’s backs, gossiping or judging others

These things are all matters of the ego and serve no purpose for you.  In your heart, you know and feel that these are inauthentic behaviors and therefore you try not to engage as much as possible.

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15.  You forgive your past and the people who have hurt you

You understand that forgiveness is necessary in freeing yourself so you don’t hold any grudges and let go of the pain that people and situations may have caused you.

16.  You don’t let the external pressures of society alter your decisions and actions

You are a free thinker! Even if no one else commented on that one blog post you just LOVE, or no one else is doing what you really want to do, or someone gives you negative feedback about something you believe in, YOU DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU because you think for yourself and make authentic decisions! 

Related article:

“5 Social Norms You Should Break to Stay True to Yourself”

17.  You follow your dreams and pursue your passions

You have a passion and you go for it because your passion makes you feel alive.  You don’t see any other way of living than with purpose and meaning.   

18.  You are constantly searching for the truth-you won’t settle for anything but the truth

You are all about the truth.  You hate lying and you hate being lied to.  You’d rather know the truth and deal with it, even if it’s painful, than to live a life based on a lie.

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19.  You are open-minded

You live with an open-heart which leads to an open-mind.  You are open to life and to new experiences, people, and ideas, and you love learning new things.

Related article:

“21 Signs You Are Open-Minded”

20.     You get affected by negativity easily

Negative people, negative conversations, and negative environments are toxic and drain your positive energy so you make conscious choices to not be around it.

21.  You believe in yourself and in your abilities

Even if you have some self-doubt, ultimately you believe in yourself and you trust that you can do whatever you put your mind to.  You know that you are capable and that you deserve to be happy.  You see no use in judging or being hard on yourself.

22.  You don’t look for happiness and fulfillment outside of yourself

You know that ultimately, only you can make yourself happy.  You don’t do things for approval or praise and you try not to rely on external things for your happiness, you look for the joy that already exists within you.

23.  You enjoy your own company

You love hanging out with yourself and you don’t necessarily need to be with other people to have a good time.  You enjoy your alone time because you love, appreciate, and value yourself.  You are your own best friend.

See also  Calling Someone With Your Mind

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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