7 Reiki Ways to Promote Peace in Our World

In the modern day world, we are experiencing a state of chaos and turbulence at a massive scale. The world has witnessed an upsurge in the incidence of wars and pandemics. So we need an energetic shift globally to establish peace and harmony in the world and foster an environment of health, happiness and wholeness. This shift progresses in the hierarchy through a chain reaction, starting from the individual to the family, the community, the nation and then across the world. Here is a quick reckoner for lightworkers on how we can contribute our bit to bring about this radical shift in human consciousness and cultivate peace in our fragile world.

1) Conscious breathing

Breath is the bridge between the body and the consciousness and has been widely deployed in the millenary eastern tradition as the fundamental pillar of many meditative practices. However, most of us are missing out on this primeval phenomenon and are habitual of breathing superficially, which signals to the nervous system that we are in a state of anxiety and stress (as in fight or flight). When we start to breathe diaphragmatically (through the belly), our chest does not move and the nervous system interprets it as a state of peace. Each one of us needs to adopt the habit of conscious breathing for it is the only natural way of breathing, as I have detailed in my previous article: Reiki and breath therapy in the wake of a pandemic.

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2) Work on achieving heart-brain coherence

When we cultivate appreciation, gratitude, and compassion, our heart rhythm actually becomes more consistent (coherent) which influences the higher brain centers involved in perception, cognition, and emotional processing. This coherence has been linked to a sense of well-being, wholeness, emotional composure, and a peak state of mindfulness. When a large group of people are in a state of heart coherence together, the overall effect is amplified manifold and creates a field of coherence which carries the possibility of being expanded globally.

7 Reiki Ways to Promote Peace in Our World

3) Commit to healing yourself wholeheartedly

When we choose to heal ourselves, we heal our entire family line including our ancestors and our descendants. Therefore we must take responsibility for healing ourselves of the pain and trauma so that we don’t pass it to the future generations. Healing brings about non-judgement and forgiveness which would obviously be a great leap in furthering the evolution of human consciousness.

4) Send a Reiki ball

Make a Chi ball and infuse it with the intention of establishing peace (specify if you have a particular region of the world) and direct it towards the Universe.

5) Chanting mantra for world peace

Mantras carry frequencies and need to be chanted with proper pronunciation and intonation to bring about the expected outcomes. So chant the following mantra for universal peace and wellness.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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