9 Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms That Act As Warning

The sacral chakra is the second chakra within each of our energy bodies.

This chakra is located within and radiates from the lower belly or womb space area of your body.

This energy center is all about our experience and expression of creativity, connection, and pleasure.

Each chakra is an expression of energy and has specific traits.

The sacral chakra is all about moving up from the activation and mastery of the root chakra ( earthly survival) towards exploring and embodying the pleasures and joys of being alive.

When this chakra is blocked, it contracts and does not receive or emit energy as intended.

This results in distortion of the chakras’ traits or functions.

When we have a blocked sacral chakra, we cannot experience enjoyment, creativity, and living to our fullest.

Health is our natural state of being. So if we become aware of our blocks, we can then choose to return to our natural state.

Within this article, we shall learn about the causes of a blocked sacral chakra.

We delve into the signs of a blocked sacral chakra to effectively and authentically learn so that we may take action to unblock and rebalance this vital energy center.

We will learn a few powerful techniques and spiritual technologies that help us heal this blockage to get the life force flowing within the sacral chakra again.

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What Causes A Blocked Sacral Chakra?

Blocked Sacral Chakra

One of the leading causes of a blocked sacral chakra is repression or suppression.

This is when your natural flow of energy has been in some way forcibly stopped or inhibited.

We live in a society that includes many dominant cultures and religions.

More often than not, take an obscured or shameful view of sacred sexual energy and teach strict conventions for how we relate and connect with other humans.

This repression can start from childhood and extend into adulthood until we conscientize, set boundaries and liberate ourselves from limiting belief systems that have been ingrained within us.

Because of this, many of us have thought that our pleasure, joy, creative energy, and sexual energy are somehow wrong, unnecessary, or dirty when the opposite is true.

This is actually the energy of infinite creation, life force, and creativity.

When we are not consciously conscious of this energy, and it is repressed, this can cause fear and aversion, leading to a blocked sacral chakra.

When we are repressed from our natural expressions and explorative nature, we can feel externally controlled or internalize these parameters for control and shame ourselves for our natural desires.

This all contributes to stagnation and blockage of the sacral energy center.

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Another reason you may experience a blocked sacral chakra is that your energy is trapped in root chakra mode.

You may be in the stage of life where you are still too focused on working for survival and having your very basic needs met.

This can result in your energy being unable to move upward to this higher second energy center which governs enjoyment and pleasure.

You are still integrating and balancing your root chakra.

So you cannot fully move into the sacral chakra and achieve balance here until there is a foundation of a vital and nourished root chakra energy to push through.

9 Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms

a sign that your sacral chakra is blocked

In this article, our main aim is to identify the signs of a blocked sacral chakra.

This is so that you can choose to become more clear about where you are and can apply and embody appropriate action to grow and experience expansion, higher consciousness, and a more joyous spiritual human experience.

These are the general signs that you can apply intuitively to your understanding and current experience of yourself.

1. You are experiencing a creative block

Creative energy and creative expression is the substance of the sacral chakra.

When this chakra is blocked, you will probably feel stagnant and creatively blocked.

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Whether you are a person who identifies explicitly as a creative being, such as an artist or dancer, or if you are a technically and logically inclined person, creativity still has a massive role in all areas of our life.

Creativity can allow us to embody our uniqueness through how we dress, speak, cook, play, work, and how we choose to move through life in the way that is most joyous and satisfying to our desired experience.

When you feel out of touch and apathetic to creating joyful experiences for yourself, you are likely experiencing a creative block and a sacral chakra block.

2. You feel little desire or struggle to experience pleasure, sexuality and sensuality

When your sacral chakra is blocked, you likely feel unmotivated, lacking, or ashamed to express your sensual and sexual energy.

You may experience low libido and disconnection from your sensuality and bodily…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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