8 essential tips to make your apartment feel like home

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If you live in an apartment, you know that sometimes it can be a challenge to make it feel like a home. 

These feng shui apartment tips can help you create a cozy, welcoming home you love!

8 essential feng shui tips to make your apartment feel like a home

8 essential feng shui apartment tips to make your apartment feel like home:

One: Create a welcoming entry. 

Because you don’t have to worry about the landscape around your apartment, your apartment door and entryway become even more important. 

Your front door is how fresh energy enters your home and life. 

Chi (life-force energy) is attracted through your front door and then flows through your apartment.  This means you want to make your apartment door as fresh and welcoming as possible! 

▶ If you have any control over the outside of your door, you can paint it a fun color. 

Or you can place a welcome mat outside in the hall or breezeway. 

You can also hang a wreath outside your door with a command hook. 

If you have a light by your door, make sure it’s not burnt out and works properly. 

(Click here to learn even more ways to feng shui your front door!)

table and chairs next to painting

▶ If you DON’T have control over your front door, there are still a lot of things you can do to create a welcoming entry. 

One of the most important steps for front door feng shui is to clean your door inside and out. 

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You can also sweep outside and inside, and keep it as clean and tidy as possible. 

This is even more important than all of the door embellishments like color, a welcome mat, or wreath. 

Just keep the door clean and in good condition.

Then, on the inside of your door, create a defined entryway in some way. 

If you can’t use a doormat on the outside of your door, use it inside instead! 

You can place a small table or bookcase next to the door or even a small shelf hanging on the wall to define the entryway. 

This is the space where you’ll welcome the energy entering your home. 

You can add a candle, small water feature, or even a plant to this area to spruce it up. 

Be sure to add things that you love to this area so that every time you see it, you feel happy and excited about your home.

▶ What if you don’t have an entryway or room to create one? 

Just make sure that the door is clean, in working order, and can open freely.  Work with what you have and make the best of it!

living room couch and coffee table

Two:  Clear the clutter. 

This is also an important step in feng shui, because keeping the clutter clear helps the Chi flow more easily throughout your home (and life!) 

Clutter is anything that blocks your dreams, and often when you want to manifest something, you have to make room for it in your home!

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The Universe loves to fill spaces in your life with the things you want, so clearing clutter is always one of the first steps towards making your dreams come true. 

You can use the bagua map to clear specific areas of your apartment that relate to your wishes and dreams, or you can just clear clutter all over!

You can even use the feng shui 27 things cure if you want to stir up the energy and get things moving in your life.

Three:  Furniture placement. 

This is important for creating good feng shui apartment flow: place the furniture so that it is balanced in the room. 

You don’t want too much furniture on one side of the room or the other. 

Communal areas, like family living spaces and dining rooms, should have seating that encourages hanging out together. 

Ideally, furniture should be placed where it doesn’t block doorways and you can easily move around it if necessary. 

green couch with coffee table and fireplace

Four:  Use your space! 

Think about how you want to use the rooms in your apartment – don’t feel like you have to use a dining area as a dining area if you won’t use it! 

Use your home the way YOU want to use it, not the way tradition tells you that you should use it.  So if you want to set up the dining area as a library or study nook — DO IT! 

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It’s more important that you are happy and enjoy your whole apartment.  There’s no such thing as tradition or “ideal” home decor if the room is going to go unused. 

Unused spaces just collect old, stagnant energy and can drain the life-force Chi from you and your home.

Five:  The kitchen = wealth and abundance! 

Your kitchen is one of the wealth centers of your home, so keep it clean and tidy!  Use all of the burners on your stovetop and keep your oven clean. 

Whether you love to cook or barely use your stove, just make sure that you turn your burners on for a few seconds every few days (or every day!) to stir up the wealth chi! 

If you do cook often, you’ll probably notice that one burner gets used a lot more than others, so this feng shui wealth tip applies to you, too!

Turn those burners on for a few seconds even if you don’t use them.  Or better yet — use them on purpose…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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