8 Smudging Alternatives: Step Outside the Bundle

We’re constantly surrounded by energy – we pick up negative and positive vibrations all the time, and they affect us in a myriad of ways physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, we can’t always choose which vibrations we take in – and if you’re an empath, the struggle to keep a clear energy field is real, particularly if you’re surrounded by energy vampires. Energy vampires can be strangers or our friends, coworkers, and loved ones. If there’s someone in your life who requires constant attention, or if you feel drained after having a conversation with a particular person, they might be an energy vampire. And they fall on different sides of the spectrum – some people don’t even know they’re doing it.

It’s up to you to protect yourself and clear your energy field so you don’t constantly feel zapped and out of sorts. There are ways to filter unwanted energies from your aura and purify your environment discreetly, so you can clear wherever you are. That’s why I wrote this blog, 8 Smudging Alternatives: Step Outside the Bundle, to help you maintain a high vibration anytime, anywhere.

It’s vital to exercise smudging in your daily life – at home, work, in your vehicle – the places you spend most of your time. Clearing low vibrations and stuck energies create a peaceful, beautiful etheric temple, within and without, and maximizes your potential. And the best part is, you don’t need smoke to sanctify space or yourself. If you feel drained after exposure to low vibrations and don’t have the luxury of smudging with sage, or if you’re allergic or sensitive to smoke, this blog is for you.

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8 Smudging Alternatives

 1) Smudge Spray

Smudge spray not only clears your space but also fills the air with fragrance, raising vibrations and evoking sensual pleasure. You can buy smudge spray or experiment with making your own. Pure essential oils such as white sage and palo santo are ideal ingredients. White sage has been used for centuries to clear and consecrate space. It calls in positive spirits and keeps lower vibrational energies at bay. In addition, white sage has many healing properties and has been used as a natural antimicrobial to purify and cleanse.

Palo santo is a sacred wood that grows in South America. When Spanish monks discovered its clearing and healing properties, they named it “Palo Santo” which means “holy wood.” These two powerful ingredients blended and infused with wild lavender and rose witch hazel create the perfect all-purpose smudge spray to use any time, any place. Click here for a list of sacred herbs for smudging, including my favorites. Many of these are available in essential oil form. Combine your favorites to create your own unique signature spray.

2) Sea Salt

Salt is long associated with cleansing and blessing. With salt, you can create an ocean of profound purification and healing at home in your bath. Recipes vary, and ultimately, trust your intuition in choosing specific ingredients and their quantity. As a general rule, adding two or three handfuls of good quality, unrefined sea salt to a tub of bathwater works well. Try adding a few drops of essential oil and fresh or dried rose petals and lavender as well.

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Set forth positive intentions and express gratitude for your complete cleansing and renewal. Remember to rinse off, at least briefly, after your bath to ensure any toxins wash away. You can also dissolve salt in a bowl of water and allow it to absorb negativity, or sprinkle the saltwater around your home to achieve the same effect.

3) Candles

Working with candles to shift the energy in your space …

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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