6 Methods For Using Citrine To Attract Money

Citrine crystals are undoubtedly some of the most powerful minerals you can work with to attract money.

In this article we explore exactly how citrine can be used, we start with a base understanding of the energetic nature of crystals in general and an in-depth look into citrine as a mineral ally.

We then delve into the specific ways you can utilize the opulent vibrations of citrine crystals to attract all the money you desire.

Understanding Crystal Energy.

To understand how we connect with and are influenced by crystal energy we can reflect on the fact that our physical and etheric bodies are essentially energy.

This energy is present in different patterns, physically expressing itself at different densities.

We also know that our thought-forms constantly emit vibrations that affect our experience of life.

Crystals are known as one of the most stable forms of vibration. They have been utilized since ancient times to attain physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual rebalancing.

Each crystal consistently and harmoniously vibrates at a particular frequency.

Crystal are minerals that grow in the earth below its surface, they are created from various elements and undergo many processes of merging, dissolving, and pressures.

The structure of a crystal (geometric form, chemical composition and color) is determined by the environmental condition in which it grows.

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These various structures influence the vibrational resonance of each unique crystal.

Crystals have the ability to stimulate and interact with our human electromagnetic fields, through this interaction they assist us by amplifying our healing, our power and our potential.

Since each crystal holds such a clear vibration we can interact with these constant crystalline energies to stabilize and tune our personal and collective energy fields.

Specific crystals such as quartz crystal have even been used in technological devices.

Crystals have been utilized to change an electrical signal into sound waves and can broadcast signals.

Due to these abilities, they were used in the working mechanisms of early radios, broadcasting equipment, clocks, and watches.

The use of crystals in technology has been an essential influence and component leading to the development of advanced technology as we know it to be today.

The Energies Of Citrine Crystals

The stone of abundance

Citrine, the stone of prosperity and abundance, is a variety of quartz crystal that has a clear soft honey, yellow or warm brown appearance.

This crystal is representative of the energy of the sun and offers gentle yet powerfully persuasive vibrations.

It is a revitalizing stone that can assist us in achieving financial freedom through embodying and embracing the vibration of citrine.

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This stone encourages letting go of the feeling of desperation and this release clears and creates energetic space for abundance to flow freely to you. 

Citrine vibrates the experiences of joy, happiness, contentment, and bliss.  It boosts our creative and physical energy.

Protection and cleansing

Citrine is a highly protective crystal; it can absorb, transmute, and dissipate negative energy in spaces.

It can assist you personally with the gentle release of any negative patterns you may have picked up.

This crystal is fully self-cleansing. This self-cleansing nature of citrine can also be used to cleanse your other crystals.

Citrine and activating the solar plexus

Citrine crystal is used in the balancing and activation of the solar plexus chakra. This energy center is located between the base of the sternum a few inches above the navel.

It rules our personal power, willpower, and confidence. The color energy associated with citrine and the solar plexus chakra is yellow.

An underactive chakra means you are experiencing an energy blockage or stagnation.

An underactive solar plexus chakra manifests as a lack of purpose, feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, and indecisiveness.

An overactive chakra means that the energy center is overstimulated, in relation to the solar plexus chakra this can manifest as arrogance, judgment, over critical behavior, and overworking.

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A balanced solar plexus chakra will manifest as intentional behavior and the ability to easily turn thoughts into action, confidence, willpower, healthy identity, and knowing your authentic self.

Citrine welcomes the vibration of confidence through activating the solar plexus chakra.

Activation of this chakra enhances the feeling of self-worth; employing us to easily and joyfully embody being the best version of ourselves. 

A balanced solar plexus helps us become less reactive to critique, therefore more sure and graceful in all endeavors and able to take action on our inspiration.

This intentional confident action can lead to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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