How To Use A Singing Bowl For Cleansing Crystals – 3 Methods

Sound and singing bowls have been utilized for therapy, healing, meditation, and creating holy spaces since ancient times.

They are made to send off a lot of energy.

Natural vibrations emitted by crystals affect energy levels and can aid physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Making sound vibrations to cleanse and re-energize your crystals is a terrific technique to do so.

The sound of singing bowls is enhanced by placing them on a cushion.

They should also come with a wooden stick for sounding them.

The bowls produce a deep or high-pitched tone comparable to that of a brass bell, yet they will constantly ring (as if singing) when in use.

In this article, we will be looking at how to use a singing bowl for cleansing your crystals, why you should use singing bowls for crystals, and the different types of singing bowls you can find on the market. 

Why Use A Singing Bowl For Cleansing Crystals?

Using a singing bowl to cleanse crystals

Singing bowls can be used for a wide range of purposes, including purifying and blessing a room, cleansing crystals, meditation, and even healing.

They purify and harmonize the aura as well as all of the chakras.

They employ sound to cleanse, similar to Tingshas, Bells, or Tuning Forks.

They are acoustic healing instruments that are widely utilized for therapeutic purposes, such as relaxation, as well as spiritual attributes like awareness, knowledge, and cosmic awareness.

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Healing crystals are also fruits of Mother Nature.

It’s possible that this is why mystics and psychics employ them for emotional healing, chakra cleansing, and spiritual awareness.

You should use cleansing bowels for crystals because, in a metaphysical sense, they turn negative or unbalanced energy into positive or balanced energy.

Their purifying voice permeates through humans, atoms, and walls, raising the vibration of everything around them.

How To Cleanse Crystals With A Singing Bowl?

Do you know that some crystals have the ability to absorb negative energy from other crystals, people who have touched the crystals, and environments?

Some crystals can also be used to cleanse.

Cleansing crystals combined with sonic healing instruments can help in this situation.

Although the intense vibrations may damage the crystals, they can be placed inside the bowl, but this is not advised. You may need to practice if this is your first time using the singing bowl.

If you’re going to purchase a singing bowl, be sure it’s of high quality.

Singing bowls of good quality provide a melodic ringing sound that lasts for a while before diminishing.

Singing bowls of poor quality generate a dull metallic sound and are less effective at cleaning crystals.

Let’s now learn how to cleanse crystals with a singing bowl. 

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Singing Bowl Cleansing: Method One

1. Place your singing bowl on a flat surface and on its cushion.

2. Arrange your crystal or crystals around the cushion and singing bowl’s perimeter.

3. Gently strike the singing bowl’s side with the stick to produce a ringing sound.

4. Gently but firmly rub the outside of the bowl in a clockwise motion with the side of the stick. The ringing should continue as a result of this.

5. Continue rubbing the mallet around the singing bowl for a few minutes until the cleansing process is complete. The high vibration of your crystal singing bowl’s pure crystalline voice fills the crystals, driving out any negative energy.

Any nearby crystals will have their vibrations raised as a result of this. You will know the process is complete when you hear the singing bowl change tune. 

Singing Bowl Cleansing: Method Two

1. On a flat surface, place your crystal or crystals (or stand next to where they are)

2. Place the singing bowl on top of your non-dominant hand while holding the cushion.

3. Place the bowl on top of the crystals or just in front of them.

4. Gently strike the edge of the singing bowl with the stick with your other hand, causing it to ring.

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5. Calmly but firmly touch the outside of the bowl in a clockwise motion with the side of the stick. This should be a steady motion. The ringing should continue as a result of this.

6. Rub the singing bowl with the intention of cleansing your crystals for a few circles. Stop when you’re satisfied that you’ve completed the cleansing process. 

Singing Bowl Cleansing: Method Three

Instead of setting the singing bowl on a table, another option is to hold it in your hand. To use this approach, follow these steps:

1. Place your crystals on a flat surface such as the floor or a table close to you and stand beside the singing bowl and crystals.

2. Put your non-dormant hand on the singing bowl.

3. Strike the bowl with a mallet with the other hand to make a ringing sound.

4. With the mallet, firmly rub the outside rim of the singing bowl in a clockwise…

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