11 Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Blocked

In this article, we shall investigate the third eye chakra and blockages that can occur within this energy center and organ.

The third eye chakra allows perception of the world beyond just your physical senses.

This is an essential depth of perception if you seek to consciously manifest and understand your life experiences.

To be able to perceive how everything you experience fits into a bigger picture understanding. 

A blocked third eye chakra will decrease the quality of your life experience and slow down the process of spiritual awakening.

Knowing the signs that this chakra is blocked will hopefully assist you in identifying areas and habits that you may need to revaluate, choices that you need to become more conscious of in order to open this center, and experience full and empowered awareness.

‘Blocked’ is just one way to describe an out of alignment or unhealthy energy center.

These blockages can manifest due to either over-activity or under-activity.

An overactive or underactive third eye chakra is in need of balance. Bringing your energy and health into balance shall remove and protect you from such blockages.

The following are some of the signs that your third eye chakra may be blocked:

11 Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Blocked

Sign #1: You have a feeling disconnection from your clear intuition or instincts 

The third eye chakra is an energy center that when in balance is receptive to our natural clear intuitive nature.

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Intuition can be understood as your reliable inner voice or inner knowing.

It can provide you with the highest version of insight and beneficial guidance in all aspects of your life.

Instinct is also known as the sixth sense which is the innate wisdom we have that affects our response to various life experiences.

Feeling disconnected from intuition and instincts can have you feeling very confused about your life purpose.

When you feel like you do not have access to, or struggle to hear this internal guidance it may be a strong indication that your third eye energy centre is blocked.

This kind of blockage could also show up as struggle or a fear of trusting your intuition or instinct which is offering the perspective of your highest self.

Sign #2: You feel disconnected from other people  

woman with blocked third eye chakra

The active third eye chakra is well known to encompass the feeling and experience of oneness or unity consciousness.

This is due to the frequency that it allows you to perceive which is one of understanding and acceptance of duality.

It allows us to make sense of the validity of the seemingly polarized perspectives that exist in our world.

It also will allow you to see the perfection in your path and the paths of each person you come into contact with, seeing each unique path as interconnected.

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Gaining an understanding of how the various beings and experiences we have are vital to our growth and evolution.

If these concepts sound far and foreign and you are feeling disconnected from people around you or other humans it could be a strong indication your third eye is blocked or imbalanced.

The blockage can cause you to view the world from a perspective of complete separation or unconscious ego which can also bring about feeling of loneliness, isolation, and disillusion in relation to experiencing meaningful connections with the humans around you.

Through clearing blockage you will allow yourself to once again experience the feeling of community and belonging, this clearing can be achieved through using the various techniques for awakening the third eye chakra which is linked at the very end of this article.

Sign #3: You have a feeling of disconnection from nature

As explored in the previous point the third eye chakra is a center of unity consciousness that does not only include human beings but most definitely includes our beautiful home planet of mother earth.

Seeing through this spiritual eye we can become more aware of how we are inextricably interwoven as part of nature, which is what truly makes possible our survival and thriving on earth.

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When you feel disconnected or unaware of the power and importance that nature constantly provides us with it can be a sign of an imbalance of your third eye energy center.

If this is part of your experience I would recommend practicing the third eye awakening techniques such as meditation and breathwork specifically in a natural environment, you may also greatly benefit from intentionally working with plant medicines.

Sign #4: You find yourself unconsciously slip into judgmental thoughts 

It is easy to constantly unconsciously judge other people’s choices and actions; this could just be mentally in our internal chatter or quite verbally by having strong polarized opinions and prejudices.

It’s, of course, necessary to be discerning but you will…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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