Twin Flame Connection – Awakening With Twin Flame 1111

Most of us on this planet feel a deep yearning to find the person who is our perfect match, a connection with our twin flame. We may have been in a few relationships, good ones, bad ones, maybe even ones with a true soulmate!

But we seem to ask ourselves each time, are they ‘the One’? Without knowing it, most of us are referring to our desire to be a twin flame.

They are the ones you can’t live without, the ones who are so similar to you in so many ways that it seems uncanny.

Many will never find their souls in a position to be a twin flame. In this lifetime, young souls will have to be content settling down with a soulmate.

There is nothing wrong with doing so as a soul mate connection is also very significant and can be very fulfilling.

Ask yourself, “could you deal with being a twin flame soul?”

The pace between soulmates is easy going compared to being in a twin flame relationship.

Twin Flame Connection

Twin flame connections are not for the faint of heart. There is no room for procrastination or outdated behavior.

While holding the deepest, purest forms of love for them, we are programmed to push them to be the best they can be.

Too much clearing of baggage and stepping out of comfort zones often sends one of the two away.

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The intense demand for vulnerability and coming correct these connections bestow, take a soul equipped for such a task.Lumii 20200622 201151969 e1592813874610

Finding Balance

Indeed in a twin flame connection, we may come towards the dance with love. But if partners keep connecting and disconnecting, the moment is lost in the choreography.

In a twin flame connection, you may find that one party is keen to initiate the stages wanting the relationship to move to a higher level.

On the other hand, their partner may not be ready to tackle the upheaval a twin flame commitment takes. Spiritually it is impossible to give someone the same awakening that you have.

It causes intense and painful emotions to surface that they have been suppressing. Most often, they don’t want to deal with it, which makes them want to escape the relationship.

There is absolutely no doubt that when you meet your twin flame, you are both pulled to a more spiritual path, you may wonder when you look back one day, how both of you have come together.

You might see that the courses you both took, which ultimately lead you to each other, could only have been created by a divine force or drive to forge this extraordinary connection.

It may be profound, but in doing this, you will realize how, indeed, your meeting was predetermined.

We understand how the pull to turn away from a twin flame connection may be strong while you are put to the test and challenged in ways you have never been before, but you must resist for the greater reward.

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The beginning is always the most intoxicating, hardest, and most beautiful start to a relationship you will have.

It will hurtle along so fast that you will find yourself breaking all your rules and telling yourself to pump the breaks…a lot.

Once you have both decided to surrender and allow for the transformation to happen, you will eventually reach a stage of balance. You finally feel a sense of peace you were ultimately hoping.twin flame connections

Gift or a Curse?

It can take a considerable amount of courage to change one’s life, and it takes a great deal of patience. If you are now in such a partnership, the twin flame connection can either be a gift or a curse.

There are many lessons when one connects with their twin flame, but there is one main reason: to teach each other about accepting love without fear. We need to heal each other of past hurts, emotional pain, and loss.

The twin flame connection unravels the barriers we have put in place throughout our lives, set there to protect us from further pain or avoidance of situations we are fearful.

These boundaries can cause further fear and spiritual blockages as they can sometimes contribute to resistance from our spiritual journeys. However, many of these boundaries we have created subconsciously may give us a false sense of comfort.

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The process we begin experiencing upon meeting our twin flame reveals to us these boundaries we created, and it may shock us that the comfort we felt was false.

Many people in this position have an automatic, fear-based response of resistance to this cosmic shift or awakening. This shift can be highly uncomfortable and painful to accept and release, making the connection feel like a curse, although ultimately, it is a blessing.

From my experience, the less one resists this awakening, and the more one gracefully accepts it and flows with it, the easier it will be.

Go with the flow, and don’t let fear hold you back from the blessing behind the shift.

It is imperative one surrenders to the transition into the higher frequency our souls are yearning to resonate with.

Once through the tunnel of transformation, two twin flames will now truly feel their bond strengthen beyond 3D, with peace and divine…


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