Your October 2022 Energy Forecast | Astrology Answers

Welcome to the beautiful October, lovelies!

This month starts the fourth and final quarter of 2022, which creates an encouraging and supportive environment of change and transformation for the months ahead.

Essentially October is known as the tenth month. However, in numerology, the collective numerology of October 2022 carries the “number seven” vibrations of inner wisdom and perfection.

The energy of 7 also holds the power of:

  • Faith
  • Intuition
  • Mysticism
  • Spiritual maturation
  • Divine intervention through awakening the charkas

What to Expect Astrologically in October 2022

October is a productive and transformational month jampacked with multidimensional shifts, changes in relationship dynamics, sudden events, epiphanies, and more supportive energy that will help us move energetic polarities into higher levels of consciousness.

Cosmic shifts this month encourage heartfelt action and healing pain to activate soul senses stronger than before. A surge of ascension energies will force us to confront our truth and review how well we know our truth, thanks to a Full Moon in Aries launching us into the depths of the eclipse portal.

Mercury post retrograde shadow ends October 16, right before the magical Arcturus gateway and Third Quarter Moon in Cancer. In addition, you can significantly feel Saturn’s direct station during a Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra.

There will be a test of truths to reawaken hopes and dreams when the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, right before a partial Solar Eclipse.

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Then, once every two years, Mars goes retrograde for two months: 2022 just so happens to be the year it begins its backward dance in the skies, taking us on a profound journey of restoring the relationship with our feminine and masculine energies. This retrograde will impact our energy levels, communication, moods, motivation, sex drive, and ability to find a balance between body and mind.

So many times, the universe sends tests to see if you are ready to have what is next by letting go of what no longer serves you.—forcing you to go deep within your heart to discover what is missing. It is time to cultivate strength, courage, and trust to grow into your next life phase.

Now, let’s look at the astrology forecast for October 2022.

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October 1-2: Venus-Jupiter Opposition

The Growth & Development of the Heart

The goddess of beauty, love, and harmony finds itself opposite expansive Jupiter, ushering in abundant opportunities to have fun and enjoy life. The downside is this energy highlights a lack of self-discipline and motivation to work toward goals. As a result, there is a tendency to overindulge, paired with laziness. Yet, both planets encourage heartfelt energy that prepares us for a beautiful homecoming. Expect a shift in your mindset, self-expression, and how you utilize knowledge to achieve goals.

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October 2: Mercury direct in Virgo & First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Finally, after weeks of mishaps, setbacks, and minor delays, Mercury, the cosmic messenger, stations direct in its home sign of Virgo. During Mercury retrograde, you may have felt a little crazed or misaligned; now it’s time to realign and regulate. Mercury will pass back and reorient its orbit at the same points when it was retrograde. Whatever you’ve learned during the retrograde period, you’ll be ready to apply in your reality. Although we are still in the shadow period for about two more weeks, you can expect recent issues to clear and present a more straightforward pathway forward.

That evening, the First Quarter Moon phase occurs, setting the tone for a productive month ahead. Moreover, this moon phase coincides with the last day of Mercury RX, so you can take that as a positive omen.

This phase occurs when a 90-degree square between the Moon and the Sun pushes us toward growth and learning how to manage the release of energies and use it as a catalyst to make our New Moon promises suitable. Half of the Moon shines bright during this lunar phase, while the other half hides in the darkness. As a result, there is an intense desire to build, create, stabilize, and grow as light increases.

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October’s First Quarter phase takes place in ambitious Capricorn, initiating powerful messages of reality, hard work, and commitment. Currently, the moon clashes with the Sun, later trine Uranus, and the North Node, acting as a forceful checkpoint to review long-term goals.

October 8: Pluto Direct in Capricorn

The Transformation of the Subconscious

After months of retrograding, Pluto, the powerful planet of truth and transformation, goes direct in Capricorn. When Pluto moves forward, all our deepest desires and secrets will begin to surface for the cycle of death and rebirth. Things may have felt cloudy and challenging to push through, but now, you will start to see your environment with new clarity. Pluto seeks to transform the sign it’s in and the area of the natal…

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