Reiki and Homeschool

Article by Carrie Anderson

While homeschooling our son was always going to be our choice for his education, I didn’t realize how much I would benefit from the time that I have at home. I’ve always loved reading and learning. While my son sits and works on his school, I have used this time to further my knowledge and skills of Reiki. I have a well-stocked library full of books on Reiki and other energy healing modalities.

I love that my son can see that even as an adult one can still broaden their horizon, that there’s never an end to learning (if one wishes). That to have a title of Master doesn’t mean there’s an end line. Mastering is a lifelong process.

Much like my son has projects and homework, I have different Reiki processes that I need to work on. He’s always willing to help me with my work, and I, with his. When I bought a Tibetan singing bowl, he was the first one to practice using it. We watched a video on the science and physics behind the bowls. Then he patiently allowed me to use it during a Reiki session.

Reiki and Homeschool

Image by Pezibear

He constantly offers feedback – much like I offer suggestions with his Crystal Reiki opened a new avenue for joint learning. He has always loved rocks, minerals, and gems. We have gone to many gem/mineral shows together and each shop for what we’d like for our individual collections. With the Crystal Reiki, we used it as an opportunity to learn new information about crystals, their shape, form, function and to share what we each already knew.

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We sometimes use color therapy and Reiki as our form of art. We have journals and use this as a process to let our intuition, energy, and subconscious free and use different mediums to create visual pieces.

Reiki has given him extra support for when he is anxious about a test or assignment. Deep breathing, meditation, and essential oils haven’t had too much of a calming effect on his anxieties. However, a quick Reiki session seems to help him focus, calm down, and become centered on the task.

We’ve both come to enjoy our homeschooling experience more now that we’ve partnered it with Reiki.

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Carrie Anderson
Carrie Anderson

Carrie earned her Ph.D in Metaphysics and Energy Healing through World Metaphysical Institutes. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and holds degrees in several types of Reiki. Her focus is on Distance Reiki. Carrie is a Master Level Psychic Intuitive and gives daily readings. She combines Reiki and Divination to create unique readings. She is accredited through World Metaphysical Association and Council of Holistic Healers. She also has certifcations in Teen Guided Meditation,. Additionally, she is a Professional Yoga Facilitator with a focus on Gentle Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Carrie is a co-author with Mellisa Dormoy for the…

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