The Act As If Technique to Manifest Your Dreams

If you’re learning about the Law of Attraction, you may have heard that the secret to manifesting your desires is to “think positive” or something along those lines…

(If you’re yet to learn about the Law of Attraction at all, head over to this post for an in-depth explanation)

But the truth is, the Law of Attraction is SO much more than just thinking positive, and one of many other factors that play an important part is what’s known as the “act as if technique”. 

Because, as you’ll hear me stress time and time again, thoughts aren’t enough to manifest your desires. Action is what makes things happen. 

Repeat after me: action is what makes things happen.

Sure, thinking positive is one way to embody the energy of your desires to manifest them. But without the right kind of action, you’re probably going to struggle to manifest your dream reality.

So this post is dedicated to one particular type of action that will change your manifesting game – acting as if

Let’s talk about the power of acting as if and how you can incorporate this technique into your own Law of Attraction practice for better results.

act as if - acting as if, the key to manifesting successfully

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“Act as if” meaning

So what exactly does it mean to “act as if”? Let’s look at the meaning of this manifestation technique so that you can begin to explore using it in your own practice.

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Essentially, acting as if means that to attract something into our lives we have to act as if we already have it.

For example, if you want to manifest money then you have to act in a way that you would if you already had that money in your account. Make sense?

It’s a bit of a paradox I know, but trust me when I say that it is super powerful when you can get it right. 

Now, it’s important to note that acting as if isn’t the same as “faking it ‘til you make it”. In fact I’m not a huge fan of that approach since I believe it creates underlying resistance as you are not in alignment with your true self.

We’re not faking anything here and we’re not trying to convince ourselves that we have something that we know deep down that we don’t actually have. That’s not actually what acting as if is all about.

Because, I don’t know about you, but if I tried that approach I’d definitely have a little voice in my head saying “well… that’s not true”.

And that little voice will be acting as a manifestation block and creating resistance to you attracting your desire. Not what you want, right

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Instead what we’re doing with the act as if technique is stepping out of our comfort zone and embodying the energy of what we want to attract.

Because remember… the Law of Attraction is 100% based on energy.

And what’s the easiest way to get in energetic alignment with the thing we want to attract? It’s to act as if we already have it.

When done correctly (as you’re about to learn) the act as if technique can bridge the energetic gap between where you are and…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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