Ideal Partners For Highly Sensitive People: 15 Top Qualities

Human beings are amazingly complex creatures, and we all experience the world in different ways, but one thing is for sure, it’s much more fun traversing the world with a partner than alone.

So, who makes the ideal partner for Highly Sensitive People (HSP)?

Join us as we take a look at the qualities that the best partners for highly sensitive people have. 

A Quick Note on HSP

Someone who is considered to have heightened or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli is known as a highly sensitive person (HSP). 

Some people refer to this as having SPS, or short for sensory processing sensitivity, so when doing your research you may find these terms being used interchangeably!

What Are The Qualities Of Ideal Partners For Highly Sensitive People?

Ideal Partners For Highly Sensitive People

1. Honesty

The ideal partner for a highly sensitive person will be honest. Honesty should be expected in any relationship but when dating a highly sensitive person it is essential.

While for some couples white lies are harmless, the effects can be much more disastrous when a highly sensitive person realizes they have been misled or fooled.

An HSP, who is already prone to overthinking, may obsess over a lie they have heard (no matter how tiny), trying to figure out how they contributed to their partner’s deception.

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As highly sensitive people are known to internalize their feelings this can cause a build-up of anxiety that can place strain on the relationship.

A partner that is open and honest is incredibly reassuring to an HSP and builds a strong foundation for a loving and supportive relationship. 

2. Patience

It’s essential for the partner of a highly sensitive person to be patient.

While dating an HSP is incredibly rewarding, they are also very delicate creatures whose wellness may shift quickly.

There can be occasions where the partner of an HSP will have to change a previously scheduled activity because their partner isn’t feeling well (perhaps they’ve had a particularly stressful week).

They may also experience anxiety and find some settings or circumstances to be triggering and will need your patient support to guide them through it.

Therefore, a patient partner can help a highly sensitive person understand and overcome their quirks and needs.

3. Consistency

Being consistent is the key to being a good partner for a highly sensitive individual. HSPs value stability, routine, and predictability.

Being consistent in everyday chores and routines is crucial, but it also applies to being consistent in the relationship.

Highly sensitive people require reassurance from time to time that their spouse loves and cares for them as well as proof that the relationship is developing steadily.

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Their partner’s erratic behavior puts them on edge and can serve as another trigger for unfavorable HSP behaviors.

4. A Sense of Humor

Sense of humour is a trait of the best partner for highly sensitive person

HSPs are easily overwhelmed, which makes them emotional and unsettled.

However, laughter makes for a great remedy, and this is why the ideal partner for a highly sensitive person will have a great sense of humor. 

An HSP who is feeling down can benefit from laughter. It gives them a break from reality, removes the focus from their stresses, and makes them feel more grounded.

It is an emotional blessing for partners to be able to coax a grin out of their HSP significant other, especially in the midst of a particularly trying circumstance.

5. Emotional Maturity

People with high levels of sensitivity require a companion who is extremely emotionally mature and grounded.

HSPs struggle to control their own emotions, and they may even take on the unfavorable feelings of individuals they interact with.

Therefore, a spouse who displays strong emotions will probably be too much for an HSP.

The ideal spouse of an HSP can still express their feelings, but they must be careful not to project their negative emotions onto their partner.

To reassure their spouse, ideal partners will simply express their emotions in a clear manner and make sure to remind them that they are not at fault.

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Otherwise, the HSP might be left wondering what went wrong for the remainder of the day.

6. They’re Willing to Embrace and Love your Differences

Couple embracing looking out into the sea

Although they are conscious that they can be difficult to love, highly sensitive people are nonetheless capable of becoming tremendously loving and dedicated partners.

Because it gives us the chance to emphasize the special nature of our love, highly sensitive people want their partners to love them for their great sensitivity, not in spite of it.

The best partner for a highly sensitive person will let their partner’s high level of sensitivity strengthen their bond.

7. Empathy

This may seem like an obvious trait to look for in a partner, but since most HSPs are empaths, they…

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