How To Discover And Develop Your Psychic Abilities

We all have psychic abilities. You might be fully aware that you have a gift or you might not know about yours—or how to use it—yet.

Either way, if you are reading this, you are likely curious about working with your clairsenses (a.k.a. psychic abilities).

We’ll explore how to develop psychic abilities and how easy it can be!

Developing your psychic abilities starts with tuning into yourself and really listening to your inner voice and intuitive guidance.

It’s like building muscle: the more you work with your intuition, the stronger it gets.

And, like your physical abilities, it will likely require at least a little bit of training to really know how to develop psychic abilities.

It’s not evil to work on developing your psychic gifts, either—as long as you work them to enhance your own life, not to control or cause harm to others.

It’s actually perfectly natural and even exciting to pick up messages from nature, the spirit world, and even beings from other dimensions and star systems!

First things first, though. You should not only be open to getting messages. You should also listen to your gut about the quality of the messages you are receiving or how you feel when you get them.

I’m not encouraging you to open up to just any entity who wants to chat with you, nor am I saying that you won’t need a little protection as you work on developing your psychic abilities. 

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I am saying to go into the experience with curiosity, honesty, and a true desire to tap into the magic that is always around you.

Discovering Your Psychic Abilities

Someone discovering their psychic abilities

One of the factors that might keep you from fully discovering your psychic gifts is thinking your experience should look or feel a certain way.

Many of us want to have full-blown psychic visions or perfectly channeled messages that are 100% correct AND what we want to see and hear at the time.

It doesn’t work that way, though.

Learning to receive and interpret messages is an art form.

Different clair senses are stronger l in some and weaker in others. And you might need some tools, like tarot cards, to get started with receiving messages.

We talk a little bit more about different ways to work with your psychic abilities here (11 Types of Psychic Abilities).

While you might be one of the people who actually can see apparitions or speak clearly with the dead, you might have some other gifts as well.

If you learn to be open to all of the various ways Spirit speaks with you, it can help you get clearer messages.

Crystals that help open up your clairsenses are Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and even Selenite.

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You can also use essential oils like Frankincense and Sandalwood to help connect with your intuition and open yourself up to psychic messages.

Which Clair Do You Have?

woman developing her psychic abilities

Clairvoyance – Clear seeing.

This gift allows people to see spirits or even messages in real life.

You might see full-on apparitions or spirits, see mind movies that give you information to work with, or even see sparks of light, portals, or symbols as you go about your day.

Don’t discount signs or even memes on the internet—they can be clairvoyant messages as well.

❤️ Further Reading: Clairvoyance: What It Is + 10 Signs You Have This Ability

Clairsentience – Clear feeling.

This gift allows people to feel what another person feels. You might notice gut feelings, chills, or air changes, or even to feel pain or emotions others are feeling. 

This is one I think a lot of us have but overlook as being part of the human experience. We can feel what others are feeling. It’s why you get the warm fuzzies when you see something good happen or how your stomach turns when you see cruelty.

❤️ See Also: Clairsentience: What It Is + 12 Signs You Have This Ability

Claircognizance – Clear knowing.

This gift allows you to know something without having any way of knowing it.

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Sometimes a thought or idea will pop into your mind, giving you insight or even insider information.

You might pick up full thoughts, “downloads”, or even have a premonition about something that is going to happen. 

❤️ See also: Claircognizance Meaning + 7 Amazing Signs Of This Ability

Clairaudience – Clear hearing.

This gift can show up in a variety of ways.

From hearing a song with the exact advice you need to hear, picking up snippets of conversation—in real life or on TV that directly fit a message you need, or even in auditory hallucinations, like ghostly voices or hearing messages from spirits or angels. 

showing how to develop Clairaudience which is a psychic ability

Clairgustance – Clear taste.

While this gift might seem a bit weird, people who experience it might taste something that reminds them of a person.

Messages of this kind might also relate to blood in the mouth or, more lightly, a person who was really into food…

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