53 Affirmations For Building Lasting Friendships | Aglow Lifestyle

We all want to have friends that we can trust and rely on, ones that will be there for us, understand us, laugh with us and cry with us.

But it can be difficult to find friends like this.

You can, however, create the conditions that will encourage friendships to form by using.

Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself or out loud.

The more you believe in them, the stronger their positive effect.

Here are some helpful affirmations to use in building friendships:

What are affirmations, and how do they work?

Affirmations are positive statements, which are repeated over and over again, usually intended to help you get rid of negative thoughts.

They work by resetting negative thought patterns with positive ones by altering how you think, feel, and act.

If you repeat an affirmation frequently enough, it becomes entrenched into your mind to the point that it influences your other thoughts, causing you to act differently and ultimately change your behavior.

For example, if you tell yourself repeatedly, “I have no friends” or “I’m lonely,” you will begin to feel lonely and perceive yourself to be a friendless person.

However, if you tell yourself, “I have many friends” or “I’m surrounded by people who genuinely care about me,” you will begin to feel different and act differently in social situations.

Whatever you think about will eventually manifest in your life, so the more you concentrate on positive, happy ideas, the happier your life will be.

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Affirmations can be used to accomplish anything just as long you believe that they can work.

Positive affirmations for friendship

1. I am good at making friends.

2. I have many opportunities to connect with new people.

3. I am an enjoyable person to be around.

4. I am a good friend.

5. I have many friends who love me deeply and will always be there for me.

6. I attract warm, sincere people who are fun to be around.

7. I let go of my old ideas about friendship and welcome new, better friendships.

8. I deserve to have loyal friends in my life.

9. I give and receive friendship easily.

10. I choose to be around positive, friendly people.

11. I create friendships that are beneficial to my personal and professional growth.

12. I let go of all my fears and anxieties about friendships.

13. Authentic, healthy friendships are easy for me to find.

15. My friends are loyal and supportive of me.

Affirmations for making new friends

1. I am open to meeting new people and having new friendships.

2. Making new friends is easy for me.

3. I am a friendly and approachable person.

4. I am fun to be around.

5. I attract new supportive, encouraging, and inspiring friends.

6. New people come into my life.

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7. I am willing to journey outside my comfort zone to meet new people.

8. I am ready to embrace new friends in my life.

9. I choose to welcome new friendships into my life.

10. I allow myself to be open and receptive to connecting with new people.

11. New friendships are always possible with the right timing.

12. Good friendships come into my life at the right moment.

13. I am great at making new friends.

14. I accept only healthy friendships into my life.

Affirmations for finding a best friend

1. I deserve to have a best friend in my life.

2. I attract friends who inspire me and help me grow.

3. I am a loyal friend to others, and they will be loyal to me in return.

4. My best friend is out there somewhere.

5. I know I will find my best friend when the time is right.

6. My best friend and I are kindred spirits.

7. I let go of my old ideas of what a best friend is and open myself up to new possibilities.

8. I have many characteristics that make me a good best friend.

9. I allow myself to be open to having my best friend come into my life when the timing is right.

Affirmations for letting go of old friendships

1. I release all my fears and anxieties holding me back by letting go of old friendships.

2. I choose to release negative thoughts about friendships and embrace new, positive, uplifting thoughts.

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3. I embrace healthier friendships in my life and release negative influences from my past.

4. I let go of old friendships that are not in my highest good.

5. I am willing to let go of negative friendships in my life.

6. I am willing to say no when appropriate and necessary.

7. I feel confident releasing old friendships that no longer serve me.

8. It’s easy for me to move on.

9. Letting go of old friendships is a healthy choice for my life.

10. I set clear boundaries with my past.

11. I attract and create better friendships that uplift and contribute to my life.

12. My past is my past.

13. I am at peace with letting go of old friendships that are harmful to my growth and progress.

15. My past does not define me.

How to use affirmations for building friendship

1. Know what you’re looking for in a friendship

The first step to finding a good friend is knowing what you’re looking for.

Think about the qualities that are important to you in a friend…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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