Affirmations for Healing: Your Quick Boost of Well-Being

INSIDE: Do you ever feel like you need an extra boost of health to get you through the day? The use of powerful affirmations for healing might be your answer to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


If you’ve found your way here, then you probably know that our thoughts create our reality. We have the power to either heal ourselves through our daily thoughts and actions or to make ourselves mentally and physically ill as a result of reoccurring negative thoughts.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, an expert in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics…

“… Most people wake up in the morning, and they start remembering their problems. And those problems are connected to certain people and certain things at certain times and places. The moment they start thinking about those problems, they’re thinking in the past… Now thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body. And how you think and how you feel creates your state of being. So most people’s entire state of being when they start their day is already in the past. So you have a choice… you’re either defined by a vision of the future, or you’re defined by the memories of the past.”

Adopting a daily affirmation for healing is one way to keep your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state uplifted and strong. When we repeat affirmations in our head, we are tapping into the power of our subconscious and engraining these thoughts in our mind, body, and soul.

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Just like we seek out some vitamin C for a boost of immunity or a spoonful of honey for energy, a daily affirmation for healing may be your answer to a boost of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.

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How to Use Affirmations for Healing

Let’s dive right in and map out how to do this…

Start With the Words, “I Am”

In order to ensure an affirmation for healing is most effective, we must speak it as if is already our reality.

There’s more power in saying the words, “I am strong,” than in saying, “I want to be strong.” Do you feel the difference?

By using the words “I Am,” you are setting the intention that the affirmation is something you have already achieved, and your mind, body, and soul will believe it.

Be Positive

Many of us have a bad habit of expressing ourselves in a negative or limited fashion. When we have these negative and limiting beliefs, instead of repeating them in our heads, why not change our negative thoughts into positive ones.

Using heartbreak as an example, you might question or tell yourself that your partner ended things because, you aren’t good enough. That negative thought is a lie you are telling to yourself. In order to rewire your thoughts and change your perspective, you could repeat the following affirmation for healing: “Something better is coming my way.”

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Repeat This Affirmation Multiple Times a Day

Whether you are sitting down for a daily meditation, feeling anxiety creeping up in a work meeting, or have an ongoing journal practice, find a way to repeat these affirmations for healing throughout your day.

If you’re a fan of journaling, start with a fresh page, and write an affirmation for healing that resonates with you over and over again. Intend to fill up one page with the affirmation or if you have time, repeat until you fill up 2-3 pages.

If you find you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or down anytime during your day, breath through the negative thoughts and replace them with one of the positive affirmations for healing that we’ve included below.

Repeat a Mantra During Yoga

Next time you settle onto your mat and into your yoga practice, base your mantra off of one of these affirmations for healing. With this mantra set, repeat it quietly to yourself during Sun Salutations or each time you repeat a specific pose, such as Mountain Pose or Downward Facing Dog.

daily affirmations for healing

100 Abundance Affirmations

The beautiful thing about affirmations is that their magical power is endless. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or simply want to repeat a positive thought, an affirmation for healing is your solution to bettering your well-being in the moment and beyond. 

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Physical Healing Affirmations

  1. I choose foods that are nourishing and healing for my mind, body, and soul.
  2. I am grateful for where my body allows me to go.
  3. My body speaks to me.
  4. My body tells me when something needs to change.
  5. I have endless energy for anything that comes my way today.
  6. My body is my temple.
  7. I am a strong and capable being.
  8. My body has the power to heal itself.
  9. My body is perfect the way it is.
  10. My imperfections are what make me unique and beautiful.
  11. I am grateful for my strong and flexible body.
  12. I am grateful for this time to heal and rest.
  13. There is peace to be found amongst the pain.
  14. I trust my body to function properly and heal itself when needed.
  15. I am blessed with a beautiful, strong, and healthy body.
  16. Healing takes time and I am in the process.
  17. Intentional movement brings me peace of mind.

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