What Does a Red Aura Mean? 10 Meanings & Traits

As I recently started to talk about different aura colors and their meanings in my articles, in this one I am going to talk about the meaning of the red aura and the personality traits that come with a red aura.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know a bit about auras and their meanings, so I am just briefly going to mention that the aura is made of seven layers, also known as the biofields, which together form the auric field. 

Each of these layers is linked to one of the main chakras, and the degree to which your chakras are functioning determines the state of your auric field (how clean it is, how well it’s functioning), and also the main energies from it. 

For example, if your auric field is mainly red, it means that your most active and dominant chakra is the Root Chakra, which is represented by the color red. 

The Root Chakra is responsible for grounding, stability, the material side of life, and instincts and impulses. 

Thus, I am going to explain how this is linked to your aura and what it means to have a red aura. 

What Does a Red Aura Mean?

Red aura meaning

As mentioned before, if your aura color is red, your most active chakra is your Root Chakra, also known as the first chakra of the seven main chakras. 

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This chakra is located between the anus and the genitalia, and, from a physical point of view, it governs all the organs from that area, including your genital organs, anus, legs, adrenal glands, skeleton, colon, muscles, and arterial blood. 

From a spiritual point of view, the Root Chakra governs the survival instincts (reproduction, flight or fight responses, the need to belong somewhere, grounding, and basic impulses), as well as the feeling of safety and security. 

Thus, the Root Chakra is responsible for the most basic processes and needs of an organism.  

It’s deeply connected to the desire to belong, to have a family and stability (as a family is a primary condition for our development), and to the need to have material security. 

People who have the Root Chakra as their dominant chakra could be driven by impulses, the need to feel safe and connected, and quite attached to the material side of life. 

The Root Chakra also represents our connection to Mother Earth (nature), and our relationship with our roots (family).

 This is why a balanced Root Chakra shows that the person is grounded and mentally stable.

If your aura color is red, it means that your dominant chakra is the Root chakra. 

Some of the red aura meanings which can be viewed as positive aspects I’ve listed below:

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Red Aura Meanings Which Can Be Viewed As Positive

1. Stability and safety

A person with a red aura usually has managed to build a stable environment for themselves and those dear to them, such as a stable home and environment. 

They are stable and dependable and can offer safety and security to those around them.

This stability applies to all areas of life – emotional stability, financial stability and psychological stability.

They are usually the people who look for safe jobs and don’t mind getting bored as long as they know that they are safe there for many, many years and won’t find themselves unable to pay their bills.

2. Financially successful 

As the Root Chakra is responsible for the material side of life, if a person’s Root Chakra is working well, it usually means that they are well-grounded and thus, financially stable. 

Sometimes, if the Root Chakra is too active and there is too much red in the aura, it usually means that the person could be too focused on making money, neglecting other areas of life. 

3. Well-grounded

a trait of a red aura

A person with a red aura is most likely well-grounded, as the Root Chakra is responsible for grounding. 

If they are well-grounded it usually means that they are the type of “down-to-earth” person, who is practical and good at finding creative solutions to problems. 

See also  35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong and Grounded

They could be a pragmatic person, who likes to create things with their hands and is oriented toward the practical side of life. 

4. Familist 

As the relationship with one’s family determines how grounded and successful they will be in life, if someone has healed any family wounds they have and have a good relationship with their family of origin, they will also be able to create and sustain a healthy family of their own.

They are able to sustain a family from all points of view – financial, emotional, and psychological. 

A person with a dominant Root Chakra (or with a Red Aura), will be someone who is very attached to the idea of family and eager to start their own family.

5. Active and powerful 

Someone with a red aura usually is a physically active person, who doesn’t get tired easily and can perform well in many tasks. 

This usually makes them good at sports and successful in their career,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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