7 Surprising Apocalypse Dream Meanings & Interpretations

It is no longer a secret that dreaming is a natural phenomenon happening to all of us during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), and Apocalypse Dreams are pretty common.

We dream regardless of how much we ate at the dinner before (contrary to what was believed until not long ago), what mood we have when we go to sleep, what thoughts fill our minds, regardless of our traumas, fears, and wishes.

Dreaming is related to an instinctual activity, an inner display with the role of helping you with your day-by-day life putting together what it “believes” to be solid symbols for you to understand, remember, figure out.

A dream of apocalypse is a common dream with rich messages and symbols related to change, the end of something, control, emotions, detachment, feeling unprepared for something.

The first way to interpret a dream is to analyze the dreamer’s emotions, circumstances, and the different symbols given during a dream or by the dreamt situation.

The second part of the dream interpretation is to analyze the dreamer’s life circumstances and see where emotions and symbols from the dream match the real-life realm.

Don’t worry, you won’t bring the Apocalypse on Earth by dreaming it, so I invite you to discover seven possible Apocalypse Dream Meanings and Interpretations.

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Apocalypse Dream Meaning Interpretation

Apocalypse Dream Meaning

Too much content with Apocalyptic theme

Let’s get real before we get all “mystic”, diving into the unknown of symbols and interpretations. 

If you entertain yourself with apocalyptic movies, watch (too much) tv content showing disasters and natural (or not) calamities, if you like to read about the apocalypse, or you just overthink about, it’s only natural to start dreaming it.

In such a situation, a dream about apocalypse could have two possible meanings.

On the one hand, it could be a sign that you should be more selective with what you “feed” your mind and soul with: exposing yourself daily to news and content about the apocalypse, disasters, instability, crisis, war, etc., is as bad for your health as eating inadequate food.

Going on the same idea of “too much” (consuming what is not beneficial for us), the second meaning of having Apocalypse dreams could be a sign that you need to cleanse yourself, detox.

It has different meanings for each person, so choose what’s suitable for you: it could be a warm bath with salts and spices, fasting, or even detox treatments. 

Sign Of Stress

If you do not over-delight yourself with apocalyptic content and suddenly start having apocalypse dreams, it could signify that you are passing through a stressful period.

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In this case, the analyzed symbol is the stress factor: your mind uses the pressure given by such an extreme condition (an Apocalypse) to represent the intensity of stress from your day-by-day life through your Apocalypse dream.

If the most intense feelings you have related to your Apocalypse dream are pressure, stress, tension, weight, either you are passing through a stressful period in your life, or you are about to.

Losing your job or a loved one, for example, or breaking up with your partner, could trigger an Apocalypse dream, symbolizing how you perceive the situation and its weight, and it is not necessarily related to the outcome of the situation.

Emotional Struggles

Apocalypse Dream Interpretation

Another apocalyptic dream meaning could be related to your emotional side, especially if in your Apocalypse dream is present with the element water (symbol of emotions).

You might be in a life situation where you are challenged to deal with emotions you buried a long time ago or deal with some emotional turmoil.

Again, the dominant emotion(s) you have during your Apocalypse dream is that you should be paying attention to: could be fear, shame, or guilt (if you survive the Apocalypse, for example), worries, anxiety, etc.

The Apocalypse dream could symbolize deep-buried fears, which are about to emerge to the surface as the result of a (coming) event or situation.

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If, for example, you are dating someone, the relationship seems to follow its natural course towards the next level, and you start having Apocalypse dreams.

In this particular example, the Apocalypse dream symbolize your buried emotions from previous relationships, experiences: fear (of being hurt, of losing the loved one), shame or guilt (if the connection has been a toxic one), and even sadness and emptiness (if, for example, you didn’t offer yourself closure from the previous relationship).

Of course, this is available for different life situations, including work (fear of failure, guilt for taking someone else’s place, shame for not being good enough, etc.), friendship, attitudes, and lessons you’ve learned and no longer serve you.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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