Astrology Within the Western World

The western world seems to be slowly coming round to the idea that astrology influences today can be a tool to enhance their lives. The West is more focused on materialism than the Eastern world and perhaps that is the reason for so much skepticism. When people live in economically advanced countries, they tend to regard physical things as more important than intangible ones.

In comparison, Eastern world countries such as China and India place a higher significance on concepts such as love, emotions, and affection. It can be quite notable when you look at the differences in Western or Eastern people’s behavior and lifestyles. For example, it’s common to find Atheists and Skeptics in Western countries, but for some Eastern cultures, living a life without believing in God is unimaginable.

The history of the Western mindset has shown it to be curious and interested but rigid when it comes to not believing anything that isn’t an exact science. If a hypothesis can’t be proven scientifically, it will never be accepted as a confirmed theory. In general, that makes sense and is quite logical. But, many things in life still exist that do not fit neatly into scientific experiments. When it’s impossible to find the answers through ‘science,’ we have to hand the explanation over to the notion of ‘God.’

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Regardless of incredible scientific advancements, it’s still impossible for scientists to revive someone who has died. They are unable to define electricity either. Many enigmas in this world cannot be explained through science, but they exist, and people experience them every day. Science is not infallible or all-encompassing, so we cannot simply dismiss the idea of heavenly intervention.

Eastern philosophy, alternatively, places too much emphasis on mystical experiences and happenings. This contradiction leads to a conflict between the two philosophies. In order to achieve and maintain good symmetry and equilibrium, it is necessary to combine both belief systems.

The positive thing to note is that we are fortunately living in a period where the Western world is adapting to and taking on some elements of Eastern cultural philosophies. The reverse is also true. The Western world is now much more accepting of arcane, spiritual practices like Meditation and Yoga, and the Eastern world is placing more value on material things. As such, we are on the way for more and more people to accept the astrology influences today.

Western World and Astrology

In recent years, astrology has converted into one of the methods that have been readily adopted by millions of people in the Western world. Due to a combination of often unhealthy lifestyles and the pace of life within Western culture, there is a higher prevalence of depression and exhaustion. Rates of substance misuse (drugs and alcohol), mental health problems, and unplanned teenage pregnancies are also immensely higher. These factors, among others, have generated collective insecurity across Western countries, and it’s this reason that Astrology is becoming more reputable and widely used.

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Astrology pledges to impart knowledge to the person who is accessing it. In an uncertain world, people are often looking for reassurance about what their future will bring. Astrology can provide this information. Professional astrologers can offer an even deeper, more personalized insight into the future and advise on how to deal with any problems. They consider an increased amount of information specific to the person having a reading and interpret planetary alignment and other cosmic data more accurately.

Even just through learning about one’s zodiac sign, someone can discover a lot about themselves or other people. Both men and women can use the zodiac signs to find their most …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in ManifestationLift. All the rights of content are owned by ManifestationLift. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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