Christmas Mood Essential Oil Blends Ideas

Christmas is around the corner. Everything’s decorated, real Santas are in every mall meeting and greeting kids, but there is something missing. If you live in a cold country where there is snow it’s way easier to feel the spirit of Christmas. But what if you live in a country where the sun is shining bright, it’s still a beach season, you still wear shorts and in fact, it’s the best time to be outdoor?

In my memories I still associate this time of the year with snow, with Christmas Tree in a house with its divine refreshing coniferous aroma which creates some magic each time you wake up in the morning till the time to fall asleep. The Scent of Christmas is the key here which creates memories and emotions. And even though I live in a “forever summer” place and now have artificial tree in a house I still can have the Scent of Christmas by using essential oils. I did this trick last year, and this year my kids still remember certain aromas which they now associate with Christmas time, with joy, with family time and lots of presents. 

And here my essential oil collection is taking the leading role in creating this magic. I want to share my selection of essential oils which I personally associate with this time. Most of them would be conifer essential oils, and then I would sometimes blend them together with maybe a hint of some spice notes to give it more colors and more emotions.

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Essential oils which I suggest: pine, northern lights black spruce, idaho blue spruce, idaho balsam fir, siberian fir, cypress, cedarwood virginian, juniper; and some of the oils to add some character cinnamon bark, clove, ginger, orange, frankincense, cardamom.

If to look for ready blend I would suggest to go for:

Christmas Spirit (includes orange peel oil, cinnamon bark oil, black spruce oil), name says it all, it’s very festive aroma, I associate it with family dinner, glint-vine, warm blanket and candles.

Believe (includes balsam canada, coriander, bergamot, frankincense, idaho blue spruce, ylang ylang, geranium essential oils), even though designed not for Christmas but it does create something extraordinary and you start believing in magic.

Gratitude (balsam canada, frankincense, coriander, myrrh, ylang ylang, bergamot, northern lights black spruce, vetiver, geranium), what can be better then expressing and feeling the gratitude in your home during this time of the year?

All of these blends are from YoungLiving which is my favorite essential oil company and I would suggest to try them out. If you’re using other company’s essential oils check the composition and it can help you to find similar product from your preferred brand.

Check out my Christmas blends for diffuser:

Have a beautiful day,

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