your feng shui lucky color & how to use it to attract good luck & good fortune!

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your feng shui lucky color & how to use it to attract good luck & good fortune!

While everything you do in your home to create good feng shui will also create good energy and good fortune, one thing you can do to enhance that luck even more is to use your feng shui lucky color!  

Colors have an energy of their own and can completely change how you feel, think, and act when you encounter them. 

Think about it: do you have a certain color that you LOVE and a certain color that you hate? 

Do you have a certain color that, if you wear it, makes you feel like a million bucks or like you could take on the world?

That is the energy of color at work!

your feng shui lucky color

In feng shui, each person has a color that is considered lucky – one that draws good luck and good fortune. 

Your feng shui lucky color corresponds to your feng shui birth element, which means you have a set of colors that nourish you, a set of colors that are magnetic for you, and a set of colors that can potentially deplete your energy. 

These colors reflect the element cycle and are either nourishing or destructive. 

Here’s how to find your feng shui lucky color!

To find your feng shui lucky color, first, you need to find your feng shui birth element. 

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Your feng shui birth element corresponds with the year you were born (but also, the feng shui calendar is the lunar calendar, which means each year starts on a different day. If you were born in January or February, your Chinese birth year might not be the same as your traditional, Western birth year. Click here to figure out when your feng shui birth year is!)

Metal: Birth year ends in 0 or 1

Water: Birth year ends in 2 or 3

Wood: Birth year ends in 4 or 5

Fire: Birth year ends in 6 or 7

Earth: Birth year ends in 8 or 9

Now that you know your feng shui element, you can figure out your feng shui good luck colors!

If your element is metal, your lucky colors are: whites, silvers, and grays

If your element is water, your lucky colors are: blues and blacks

If your element is wood, your lucky colors are: greens and browns

If your element is fire, your lucky colors are: reds, oranges, magentas, and purples

If your element is earth, your lucky colors are: yellows and beiges

Your feng shui lucky colors are those that make you feel powerful and will best support your feng shui elemental energy.  These colors draw good luck and good fortune to you like a magnet!

find feng shui lucky color

Your feng shui elemental energy also tells you which colors nourish you and replenish you. 

These are the elements (and colors) that support your energy. 

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If your element is metal, the colors that support and nourish you are: yellows and beiges

If your element is water, the colors that support and nourish you are: whites, silvers, and grays

If your element is wood, the colors that support and nourish you are: blues, blacks, and earth tones (yellows and beiges)

If your element is fire, the colors that support and nourish you are: greens and browns

If your element is earth, the colors that support and nourish you are: reds, oranges, purples, and magentas

Because your lucky colors are related to your feng shui element, that means there are colors that you should avoid, because they can have a negative effect on your energy.

These are different for everyone because each element has an element that is considered destructive or extinguishing. 

colors for good luck feng shui

Here are the colors you should avoid if you’re trying to attract more luck and good fortune:

If your element is metal, avoid these colors:  reds, purples, oranges, magentas, blues, and blacks

If your element is water, avoid these colors: yellows and beiges (earth tones), greens, purples, reds, and magentas

If your element is wood, avoid these colors:  reds, purples, oranges, whites, silvers, and grays

If your element is fire, avoid these colors: blues, blacks, yellows, and beiges (earth tones)

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If your element is earth, avoid these colors: grays, silvers, whites, and blues

What if a color that you love is one that you should be avoiding according to feng shui?

It is important to realize that feng shui is a guide, but it’s not a rule that can never be broken! 

Also don’t forget that the tones, shades, and hues of colors are different depending on how they are mixed.

For example, there are “red purples” and “blue purples,” so chances are good that a color you really love can still work for you!  

how to use feng shui lucky color

How do you use your feng shui lucky color to attract good fortune?

First, you can decorate your home with it! 

If it’s a bright color, consider adding it as an accent color – pillows, curtains, and decorative accessories can be amazing for this! 

You can also consult the bagua (the feng shui map of your home – click here to see it!) to find out the most powerful area of your home to put your lucky…

Click here to read this complete article.

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