attract wealth energy & supercharge abundance!

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In traditional feng shui, there are lots of items you can add to your home and office to attract wealth! 

Here is the ultimate list of feng shui items for wealth. 

Don’t worry — you don’t have to add them ALL to your home!

Instead, choose one that speaks to you! 

As with everything in feng shui, the most important thing is that your home is full of things that you love.

You don’t have to fill it with tons of wealth items to attract more money. 

Less is more, and adding something because you find it fun and exciting will be more effective than adding 10 just because they’re recommended.

Before you get started, make sure you understand how to use the feng shui bagua map so you know where to put your feng shui items for wealth in your home! Click here.

feng shui items for weatlh: attract wealth energy and supercharge abundance!

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Here are 20 feng shui items for wealth that you can add to your home to increase money and abundance!

One: Crystals.

Crystals are my favorite items to add to my home to attract abundance. 

They are so personal and everyone will be drawn to a different one! 

Each crystal carries its own frequency, so if you see one that jumps out at you, definitely choose that one! 

See also  These Are The Best Crystals for Clarity, Insight, & Decision-Making

You’ll be attracted to the one you need the most, and you can’t get it wrong!  

The crystals that are most known for attracting wealth are:

Pyrite, citrine, and amethyst. 

But there are also 6 other stones you can use for wealth and abundance.  Check them out here: feng shui crystals for wealth!

woman's hands holding 100 dollar bills

Two: Plants. 

Plants represent growth and abundance, and are a great addition to any home. 

Not only do they purify the air, but they are also known to lift your spirits! 

Add them to any area of your home that you like (except the bedroom — sometimes they can be too stimulating and interrupt your sleep.)

They are especially auspicious if you place them in your money area and close to your front door. 

Any healthy plant can boost your abundance. 

But there are several that are considered attractive to money and abundance! 

Three plants that are considered lucky for wealth are:  Jade, lucky bamboo, & the money tree 

Click here to see the other feng shui plants for wealth!

jar with 20 dollar bills

Three:  Money bowl! 

Feng shui money bowls are so fun to use to attract more money! 

They can be personalized to your specific wants and dreams which makes them even more effective. 

Click here to see how to make a feng shui wealth bowl!

See also  10 Bumblebee Jasper Metaphysical Properties & Spiritual Uses

Four:  Wealth Vase! 

A feng shui wealth vase is different from a money bowl. 

A money bowl is more personalized and will be different for each person who creates one. 

But the feng shui wealth vase actually follows a specific set of rules for what it contains and where it’s placed. 

To find out how to create a feng shui wealth vase, click here!

Five: Money frog. 

The feng shui money frog is a traditional feng shui cure that you can add to your money area, your entryway, or even outside on your porch! 

If you add it to your porch, make sure it faces your home so it will represent the money flowing into your home. 

The money toad is a 3 legged frog with coins in its mouth.

According to Chinese folklore, the money frog is able to take money with it to the heavens, and it will bring that money to you if you display one in your home!

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Click here to get a feng shui money frog on Amazon!

Six: Dragon turtle.

The feng shui dragon turtle has the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle.

The money dragon turtle is sitting on a bed of coins or gold ingots, and usually has a baby turtle on its back. 

Dragons represent courage and good luck.  Turtles represent stability and protection. 

See also  Unwinding Universal Messages - Angel Numbers for You

So together, they will both enhance your good luck and also create financial stability. 

For attracting money, the dragon turtle should be placed in your money area.

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Click here to find a feng shui money dragon turtle on Amazon!

Seven: Chinese coins. 

Chinese coins attract the energy of wealth and money. 

You can place them in your home’s money area, your purse or wallet, or even your work desk!

Be sure wherever you place them, you place them with the four characters facing up.

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Click here to find Chinese feng shui coins on Amazon!

Eight: Laughing Buddha. 

The laughing buddha statue is used in feng shui to attract good luck, prosperity, happiness, and good health! 

You can place the laughing buddha in any area of your home that needs a boost, but it’s also really effective in your home’s money area.  I use mine in my feng shui money bowl!

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Click here to find a laughing Buddha on Amazon!

Nine: Gem tree. 

Gem trees represent growth and prosperity. 

They are covered in crystals and also represent the wood…

Click here to read this complete article.

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