are these things interrupting your sleep?

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Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? Do you struggle to stay asleep? Have you tried every tip for insomnia you could find but still can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep? If so, it’s time to try feng shui for insomnia!

As someone who has struggled with insomnia for a lot of my adult life, I know how it feels to try so many things that don’t work. 

And while not every tip for insomnia is going to cure it, I can still bet that one thing you haven’t tried yet is feng shui!

feng shui for insomnia: are these things interrupting your sleep?

Feng shui is all about creating a home that is the optimal environment to support the health and well-being of you and your family. 

Our surroundings greatly impact us – in fact, the safety and security of our home is one of the foundations the rest of our life is built upon. 

No matter WHERE you live, it is important that it can support you and your family to feel safe and connected. 

So it’s not hard to understand that your home can be a huge piece of the insomnia puzzle if there are things in it that are consciously or unconsciously stressing you out!

Of course, the foundation to good self-care, health, and great sleep is your bedroom. 

In Western societies, we tend to neglect the bedroom. 

We use it as a catch-all for the things that we don’t know what to do with. 

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They become storage areas for those things and more. 

And since we don’t usually invite people into our bedrooms, they become the last place we really decorate or care for. 

But in feng shui, your bedroom is the basis for your health, relaxation, and self-care. 

It’s one of the most important rooms in the house!  (Click here to learn how to feng shui your bedroom!)

But let’s go through the specifics of what you might have in your bedroom that could be causing insomnia.

woman in pajamas stretching in bed

feng shui for insomnia – keeping these things in your bedroom can interrupt your sleep!

If you’re keeping these items in your bedroom, they could interrupt your sleep!

books:  books and magazines have active energy. 

They are speaking to you!  If you want to keep books in the bedroom, keep them away from the bed (and in a closed or covered cabinet if possible! Or in a drawer!)

electronics: electronics can transmit energy even if they aren’t plugged in. 

It’s best to keep all electronics out of the bedroom. 

Obviously, this can be hard for us, so at the very least turn them off at night. 

You can also keep them away from the bed or in a closed drawer at night. 

If you have to keep a tv in the bedroom, it’s best to cover it or keep it in a cabinet where you can close the door when you’re sleeping.

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office equipment/work:  again, electronics carry and transmit energy. 

Not to mention that if you work in your bedroom, you’re also associating the work and activity with all of the accessories you have in your bedroom. 

Most insomnia tips tell you to not be on your phone at night, or not work in your bed because you don’t want to associate your bed with working. 

This is one of the reasons why!

Everything you use for work carries work energy. 

Even if you’re just doing paperwork in your bedroom, it carries that energy. 

If you really must work in your bedroom, make sure you put everything away and out of sight when you’re sleeping. 

Create a routine that helps you shut off the work part of your life before you try to fall asleep.

woman writing in bed

exercise equipment: if you aren’t using it EVER, and it’s become a clothes hanger, it’s time to consider whether or not you’re ever going to use it. 

If not, the longer it sits there, the more stagnant energy it’s going to collect. 

Not to mention the negative vibes of “oh I really should use that treadmill” or all of the clothes hanging off of it.????

Exercise equipment carries active energy, so even if you do use it, it’s best not to keep it in the bedroom. 

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If you must keep it in the bedroom, keep it as neat and tidy as possible. 

And consider using a room divider to block it off from the bed.

broken items: has your bedroom become the storage area for all of the items you need to repair or fix?

If so, it’s time to get them out of there because they’re causing broken sleep. 

Everything in your home corresponds to some outcome in your life – and broken items can be quite literally breaking your sleep patterns! 

Honestly, it’s not great to keep broken items anywhere in your home, but definitely keep them out of your bedroom if possible!

If it’s not possible, I recommend storing them in a box or storage tub to contain their energy.

woman meditating in bed

clutter:  Clutter is similar to broken items – it carries the energy of things you have to deal with. 

This means every time you look at it, you see an item on your to-do list. 

Clutter is usually a result of not having time or not making…

Click here to read this complete article.

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