Best Books for Starting a Business – What to Read for It to Succeed?

There are many variables influencing the potential success of the business you’re just starting, with some of them entirely or partially out of your control. That’s precisely why you should do everything within your power to excel wherever you can. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 20% of new businesses fail within the first year. You don’t want to share their fate, right?

Of course, the key to success is the right business idea. However, even the best concept for a company can fail if you approach it improperly. Starting a business shouldn’t be rushed. Always make sure you’re 100% prepared for what’s coming. Do your research about a given industry and your competitors. If you feel like, for example, accounting is too much for you, ensure you have someone knowledgeable to work with in that aspect. And so on.

While nothing beats practical knowledge and experience, it’s not something you can gain before you actually start a business. Therefore, you need at least to know some theory.

Depending on your industry and current skills, the type of education that you’ll need will vary. To offer some help, we have prepared a list of best books for starting a business, covering a variety of topics and various aspects to make sure you find the one you need – or maybe you could use the help of all of them.

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Books to Read Before Starting a Business

1. Must Read for Verifying Your Business Idea: Will It Fly? by Pat Flynn

This is an absolute must-read for anyone who has already come up with an excellent idea for a new business. You might be excited and eager to bring it to life, but make sure your concept really is as great as you think. Pat Flynn knows what he’s talking about – he’s considered a thought leader when it comes to the life of a business owner.

Will It Fly? offers practical knowledge and useful advice. You will learn how to test your fantastic idea to make sure it won’t cost you a fortune or a lifetime of worries and that it will be a smashing success.

The author leads you through a 5-steps process of analyzing business ideas:

aligning the concept with your goals,

getting the proper perspective to explore all the necessary aspects,

assessing the market and how your idea fits it,

testing your concept,

deciding whether to start a business or wait a little longer for a better idea.

2. To Become a Good Leader: Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

Unless you’re planning to be a freelancer, sooner or later, you will need to start building your team, either before or after you launch (depending on the nature of your business). In this case, you won’t go far if you don’t understand what makes a good leader; only then can you go far as an entrepreneur.

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In his Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek, the famous author of Start With Why, focuses on how trust towards a leader is vital to a success of a company. Then, he continues with useful advice on instilling trust in your employees and the actual benefits of such a work environment. According to him, an employee who works for someone they trust tends to be more motivated and productive. It’s an essential ingredient for building an efficient team.

Sinek writes in a very casual, approachable way; most of his books are simply enjoyable to read, and if there’s a chance they can inspire you to become a better entrepreneur, why shouldn’t you try to hone your leadership …


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