How To Write A Bestselling Non-Fiction Book?

Today I want to share my journey to becoming a bestselling author, what that actually means, and how to spark your inspiration as a soul writer.

There are a lot of people that dream of writing a book, but few actually ever end up taking the plunge. And then the people that do end up getting published or self- publishing their works only tend to sell a handful of books.

Important: This should not deter you from trying.

Let me explain…

The Soul Writer works with the ebbs and flows of their own life to create content.

A SOUL WRITER holds the intention to inspire others and transform the world through their words.

If this is you, then join the Soul Writer Collective – a place to discuss the creative/intuitive writing journey and to promote your latest projects.

Yes, you read that correctly: SOUL WRITER. That’s my new term for someone that writes from the lens of intuitive wisdom. And there has never been a more important time that NOW to start writing and sharing your message with the world.

The 5 Tips To Writing A Bestselling Book

1. Use your intuition

Always be guided by your heart, your higher self and your connection to a higher source. This is where the best ideas will flow from. When they land, you will feel a full-bodied resonance within your heart.

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Your higher self will send you an idea for your book when you are meant to receive it. Trust in the timing of your journey.

2. Write a stellar proposal and sample content

Before you send your idea out to the publishing world, make sure you write a proposal to flesh out your idea. This will allow you the time and space to incubate the concept and to form a new dimensional perspective with your idea.

3. Writer’s write – but only write when you feel inspired

You never want the writing process to feel laborious. The possibilities of a blank page or a black screen should excite you. You want to be in an uplifted space to release your best material from your heart to the page.

4. Be of service

Always think of your audience and your readers when you are writing. When you make the project about yourself then it falls flat (I know this because I have done this.) It’s important to write your non-fiction masterpiece from a place of deep service to your desired reader. I promise you that your readers will be thanking you for this awareness for years to come.

5. Visualize the outcome

Our inner vision and imagination play a vital role on every step of the publishing journey. VISUALIZE the end result of your readers absolutely loving every word you have written in your books.

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(BONUS) Find a community of Soul Writers to support your journey.

If you are on a Soul Writer journey then make sure you join our free Facebook community. We would love to connect with you.


Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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