How to Choose the Best Crystal.

It is no secret that crystals have been used for centuries to help people find clarity and happiness. They are even said to be able to heal the body, mind, and soul!

With so many crystals out there, it can be difficult to know which crystals are best suited for you. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of some of the top crystals for Capricorn.

Some of these crystals might seem surprising at first but they all have special properties that will help you in your life as a Capricorn!

So what are the best crystals for Capricorn? In a nutshell; the best crystals for Capricorn are:

  • Black Onyx
  • Ruby
  • Emerald
  • Garnet
  • Turquoise
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Agate
  • Blue Topaz

Born between December 22 and January 19, the Capricorn zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Saturn. Those born under this capricious star are ambitious, disciplined, and hardworking individuals who enjoy constructive pursuits like gardening or construction projects. It’s no wonder that these earthy Capricorns would be drawn to crystals with similar qualities!

The best Crystals for Capricorn and why?

Black Onyx

is a powerfully protective stone, especially for Capricorn natives. It will help you to feel confident and secure when making important decisions or standing up for yourself against those who are trying to take advantage of your hard-working nature.


The power of the Ruby can help heal any wounds from past relationships that have led you to distrust yourself or others. It will bring passion back into your life and remind you that nothing is more rewarding than being a good person.

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The Emerald crystal can help Capricorn natives find the balance between ambition and compassion, teaching them to juggle their responsibilities with pleasure without feeling guilty about not meeting all expectations. It also helps them prioritize what they want most out of life.


Garnets are a great crystal for Capricorn natives as it helps them to be more self-aware and grounded in reality, teaching them that their thoughts have power over their actions. As such, this stone will help you stay persistent when things get tough without relying on others.


Turquoise is a stone of protection and helps Capricorn natives to be more grounded in reality, teaching them that their thoughts have power over their actions. As such, this stone will help you stay persistent when things get tough without relying on others. It also promotes self-confidence and independence which can come in handy for Capricorn!

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz crystals are for those who have trouble letting go of past hurts and disappointments, but these stones can help you to move on with your life. It’s no surprise that smoky quartz is one of the best crystals for Capricorn natives because it will teach them how to be more present and accepting of themselves, teaching them to embrace change.

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These stones are a great crystal for Capricorn natives because they will teach you how to be more present and accepting of yourself, teaching you to embrace change. They also help promote self-confidence which can come in handy when dealing with the emotional exhaustion that often comes from being a Capricorn!

Blue Topaz

Like other topaz stones, the blue variety will help to bring happiness into your life. It also promotes self-confidence and independence which can come in handy for Capricorn natives.

Read next: Best crystals for each chakra

How to activate them?

The most important thing about boosting your connection with a crystal is to find the right one. Be sure you cleanse any crystals that have been previously used for other purposes before using them again because they can still carry negative energy from their previous use.

It is important to choose the right type of crystal for you and a Capricorn. First, it’s best to be on the lookout for crystals that resonate well with your sign. Additionally, if you hold and meditate with your chosen stone then it will make an energy exchange possible.

It is important to pay attention to the chakra that your crystal connects with after attuning it. Once you have done this, set a goal for the energy based on what each psychic means for Capricorn.

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Crystals work best when they’re touching your skin. Wear one around your neck for a positive energy boost, or keep them in the room to help with sleep and to make you feel more relaxed.

The idea is to clear your mind of all distractions and focus on the desired outcome. Meditation with a crystal stone helps you do that by creating an atmosphere in which one can be more focused, as well as clearing any negative energy from being around them.

Once we are able to achieve this state, it becomes easier for us to manifest our desires into reality because they will have less interference or negativity trying their bests at keeping those dreams out of reach!

The Capricorn crystal is associated with the earth element of nature. You can wear a necklace, carry them in your purse or around your neck like jewelry, and set these crystals up at home to…

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