11 Signs You Have A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

Our solar plexus chakra is the energy center of our innate personal strength and knowing.

This chakra is the 3rd chakra in our 7 centered chakric system.

Our chakras are the energy centers that tune our etheric field (each chakra also has specific influences on our physical bodies and experience). 

The solar plexus chakra is considered as our personal power center. This energy center has a huge influence over our self-worth, self-confidence, clarity, emotional perception, and expression.

When this chakra is blocked you may experience a variety of imbalances and unwanted experiences.

These experiences are signs that your solar plexus chakra needs some tending to.

Within this article, we shall look into the signs that can indicate that you have a blocked solar plexus chakra.

We shall also briefly explore what is meant when we say that a chakra is ‘blocked’ and offer a few practices that you can consider working with to unblock and rebalance your solar plexus chakra.

What Is A Blocked Chakra?

woman with a blocked solar plexus chakra

We can also refer to a blocked chakra as an imbalanced chakra.

A blockage or imbalance within a chakra could mean that there is some stagnant energy within the chakra that needs to be released or transmuted.

The energy of a chakra can be in excess (overactive)or deficient(underactive).

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The energetic blockage or imbalance can be a result of experiences such as trauma, childhood conditioning, and societal subconscious programming.

Blockages or imbalances within your chakras can also be an alchemical part of your journey and part of your souls’ lessons.

Blockages may present themselves as opportunities for introspection and self-healing.

You can dedicate yourself to intentional practices and healing modalities in order to evolve and ultimately expand your consciousness.

Blockages or imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can show up as some of the signs mentioned in the next section of this article.

Signs That You Have A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

a woman sitting down experiencing a blocked solar plexus chakra sign

Within this section, we shall delve into 11 of the key signs that you may have a blocked solar plexus chakra.

Read through the signs and try to be totally honest with yourself about what you are currently experiencing.

These signs can be indicative of a blockage or imbalance but you should most definitely trust your intuition and make any necessary lifestyle changes that you feel called to make.

Taking care of your physical and spiritual health is so vital and learning more about your solar plexus chakra and how to care for this energy center can really improve your life experience.

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The following are the signs that you have a blocked solar plexus chakra:

Sign #1: You struggle with self-acceptance, self-worth and self-confidence

One of the most common experiences that you may find when your solar plexus chakra is out of balance is a disconnection from yourself. 

This chakra is linked to the expression and embodiment of your personality and uniqueness.

When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced you can be left feeling very confused about who you are and disconnected from yourself.

You may feel blocked off from loving and accepting yourself and this can affect the confidence you have in yourself as well as your self-acceptance and your self-worth. 

Sign #2: Your ego is fragile

The solar plexus chakra is linked to the expression of ego, which can be very simply understood as your sense of self-importance.

A blocked or underactive solar plexus chakra may lead you to think you are not important, special, or valuable.

An overactive solar plexus chakra may have the effect of unconscious expression of ego which can include being completely lost and self-absorbed with no regard for interconnection or authentic self-acceptance.

When this chakra is balanced it can help to bring you into a healthy relationship with your ego.

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A healthy ego can look like balance, self-love, radiant confidence, and genuine humbleness instead of jealousy, disconnection or competitiveness.

Sign #3: You often feel like you have a lack of energy

woman with lack of energy because of her blocked 3rd chakra

A blocked solar plexus chakra can leave you feeling weak, tired, unmotivated, and lethargic.

This energy center plays a huge role in the embodiment of willpower and tenacity.

When you have an imbalance in your solar plexus chakra it may seem as though you don’t have enough energy to do everything you want to do or even everything you need to do.

The solar plexus is the chakra that we use to direct our life force energy and so when this chakra is blocked our vital energy flow is misdirected or blocked off. 

Sign #4: You experience control issues

Control issues can range from an obsessive need to completely control others and the flow of life to feeling like you have no control over yourself or your life.

Control is not detrimental…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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