Saturn in Signs: Understand the Key to Mastering Your Karmic Lessons

INSIDE: By understanding Saturn in signs, we can gain a powerful insight into what blocks our growth and where our hidden potential lies. This is the planet that can show us the challenges we may face and help us to see that those challenges hold the key to mastery.


According to American Psychological Association, the quality of our life is very closely associated with self-discipline and the ability to control our impulses.

In astrology, our ability to master willpower, our determination, and our ability to persevere is closely linked to Saturn, a planet that, among other things, represents time and karma.

A strict teacher as it is, Saturn has a huge impact on the quality of our lives, and today we are going to see how. Let’s learn about Saturn in signs and what that means for you…

What is Saturn in Astrology?

Next to the Sun and Jupiter, Saturn, the Lord of Time and the Lord of Karma, is one of the three astrological giants. It takes about 28-30 years for it to go full circle, doing an infamous Saturn return, completing a cycle in our lives and closing our old chapters.

We experience our Saturn return at the following points in our lives:

  • Late 20’s – Young adult into adulthood
  • Late 50’s – From adulthood to maturity
  • Late 80’s – From maturity to wisdom and old age
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Because of this, it represents key transitional periods in our lives and the heavy life lessons that come with it. These periods are usually somewhat challenging, or at the very least, significant, since we are faced with big changes both in awareness and maturity. 

Saturn is considered a generational planet, staying in one sign for approximately 2.5 years, and also a malefic or a ‘’bad’’ planet, as it symbolizes karma, lessons, and challenges we face on our life journey.

Zodiac Stones

Although an unpopular astrological influence, Saturn is here to help us heal from that karma and to teach us how to overcome challenges so that we can learn important life lessons.

However, in astrology, nothing is simply black or white, good or bad. So, to understand Saturn in signs, we need to see what it represents and what hidden gifts it carries underneath its black coat.

Let’s look at what this transformational planet means…

It Represents Karma

Saturn has its reputation for being the Lord of Karma for a good reason. It shows us the karmic imprint on our DNA and the experiences we are meant to have (good and bad). It represents the challenges we carry from past lifetimes, that we need to learn from and master in this lifetime.

Because we need to uncover, understand, and heal from karma, Saturn represents difficulties and hurdles, trials, and tribulations we have to face in order to clear out the bad and create good karma.

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Many fear Saturn because we can’t change or affect previous karma, either from our past lives or past stages of our lives. However, what is little known is that with Saturn, we can actually recreate our reality, as this heavy influence makes us wiser through fulfilling and then healing from the exact same karma we fear.  

It Represents Life Lessons & Challenges

What you give out is exactly what you get, and this is one of the most important Saturnian lessons we are out to learn in this lifetime. Because it is heavily karmic, this giant symbolizes lessons and is the planet of the old and wise, as well as the planet of teachers.

Saturn in signs and the house it is placed in shows what type of lessons we need to learn in order to grow and mature. This is also visible during transits which touch important points in our natal charts.

Saturnian lessons are there to challenge us and shape us to become who we are meant to be.

The growth is never easy, as Saturn is the strict teacher which pushes you to study hard in order to pass the test. However, once you do, lessons are never forgotten and after every Saturnian challenge, you become the master in the area in which you were previously challenged. 

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saturn in the signs

It Represents Time

Saturn in the signs is always about discipline. It’s not a happy-go-lucky influence, and it requires dedication and hard work, no matter what area of our lives it touches.

Being a Lord of Time, in astrology, it represents everything that comes with time, including waiting, obstacles, and delays. However, it also represents maturity, experience, expertise, and authority that come with age.

This is a serious planet, and people with a strong Saturn influence in their charts will often be incredibly wise, way beyond their age. 

This is a slow planet and can often show us what holds us back, be it an exterior influence or something from within. It requires endurance and patience, and only when we are willing to patiently wait and work hard to achieve what we want will Saturn reward that hard work when the right time comes.

It requires structure, organization and will make things difficult for us every time we try to slack. Saturn in signs can help us gain a decent level of mastery in Saturn-affected areas of life,…

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