5 Colors To Use For Attracting Money Into Your Life

This article will provide you with various enjoyable ways to make use of color to attract money into your experience.

To successfully utilize color in your process of attraction, we firstly need an understanding of the concept of color, what color is, and how it interacts with us.

It is also essential to consciously cultivate mental and energetic clarity surrounding your present ideas on attracting money.

You will find all you need to know within this article to be able to deepen your relationship with color and money and use these tools to create your desired wealth.

Color Theory: How Color Is Perceived And Affects Our Energy

Everything in this universe and our world is fundamentally energy. Objects, emotions, words, thoughts, and colors, it is all energy expressed in different forms.

Through observation, we know that light is one of the first physical manifestations of energy, color is completely linked to the observation of light.

A specific color being perceived is dependent on how light energy is present, absent, reflected, refracted, emitted or absorbed.

As humans, we have the ability to perceive these various electromagnetic frequencies as the visible color spectrum, the rainbow of colors that we are familiar with.

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Different colors are expressions of energy at various vibration fields. Each unique color that we can perceive has a specific vibration that it emits.

Color can enter our body through our eyes, skin, and through the energy body.

Our eyes perceive the light vibrations which are transmitted via our optic nerves and neurons and are then interpreted by the brain as seeing a color.

Skin cells are sensitive to light and detect the light energy of color.

The energy body emits and receives color which is present as the auric field and the various chakras in the body.

The Specific Colors Used To Attract Money

Each of the colors mentioned below holds key energies that can specifically contribute to the attraction of money in your life.

You can choose to work with one of these colors or a combination. It would be best to choose the colors that you are instinctively drawn to.

Beyond the universal vibrations that colors emit, each of us has personal associations that we have instinctively formed relating to specific colors.

Make use of the resources below as well as your intuition when deciding which color will work best for you.

Remember that you can choose a combination or use different colors for different money related situations or spaces.

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We will also look at the associated chakras of the body that correspond with each of the colors that attract money.

Later in this article, you will find more details and practices that include working with the chakra colors and affirmations to strengthen your attraction abilities.

The Best Colors That Attract Money:


Red resonates with ambition, desire, surety, flow, movement, reaching goals, determination, willpower, and passion. Red is the color associated with the root chakra.


Orange resonates with freedom, success, encouragement, new possibilities, action, endurance, momentum, achievement, and investment. Orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra.


Green resonates with natural abundance rejuvenation, safety, harmony, nature, wellbeing, growth, prosperity, comfort, giving and receiving. Green is the color associated with the heart chakra.


Purple resonates with the vibrations of royalty and luxury, leadership, wealth, and wisdom. Purple is the color associated with the crown chakra.


Gold resonates with authority, empire, abundance, self-confidence, prestige, illumination, winning, and the healthy ego. Gold or yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

The Mindset Of Manifesting Wealth

While working with color to attract wealth, it is important to cultivate a conducive mindset and energy in order to be open to fully receiving.

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Fine-tune your mental clarity and spiritual connection so you can easily synchronize with the colorful energies to attract the wealth you desire.

A good start is to always set clear intentions. Use the tools and information you have to increase your momentum and tune your vibration.

Another important element is to enjoy the process of attracting, flow with your intuition and creativity.

Have fun using color to add to your magnetization.

Trust the process and appreciate what you have in order to set the energetic tone for more to flow to you.

Relax and consciously let go of any resistance you may feel. Let your energy be amplified by the color vibrations.

Using Colors To Attract Money

One of the simplest ways you can integrate using color as an attractive force into your daily life is by paying attention to the colors you wear and surround yourself…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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