20 Things That Reveal Complicated Family Dynamics

There are no perfect family dynamics, and no one had a childhood without a few issues. Still, for some folks, mentioning the word family invokes all sorts of emotions. These emotions are very complex, as even in healthy relationships, issues are still to resolve.

When a person has a toxic family dynamic, their feelings for their family go way beyond disappointment and frustration. Instead, it can cause significant emotional distress to even be in the same room with these individuals.

20 Warning Signs of Toxic Family Dynamics

It’s not always easy to identify toxic family dynamics, and it’s even harder to see when you’re rooted in them daily. Here are some warning signs that your situation may be unhealthy, which indicates that things must change for your mental health.

1. Manipulation Frequently Exists In Complicated Family Dynamics

The classic manipulator can be male or female and fall within any age group. It’s the person that will work you like a puppet on a string. They are more interested in what you can do for them than in a relationship.

This person is very toxic, as they don’t have your best interest at heart. They are out for themselves and furthering their own agenda and will use and abuse anyone they can.

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2. Not Respecting Boundaries

Boundaries are an essential part of any relationship. In toxic family dynamics, a grandparent may try to overrule you on your children, or they can stick their nose into your romantic relationships. Someone who doesn’t respect your boundaries is essentially not respecting you.

3. Name Calling

There’s never a reason to call names, even if the inappropriate title is said in a joking manner. No one has a right to call you anything other than your name or a nickname that you like. When they use derogatory terms to describe you or your actions, then it’s toxic and destructive.

4. Control

Control comes in many forms, but some people like to dictate everything about your life without even asking your opinion. This person may schedule get-togethers and other events and expect you to be there without considering your plans. An individual who tries to control everyone is toxic, and they bring poisonous family dynamics to the group.

5. Previous or Current Abuse

It’s almost impossible to have healthy relationships when there’s any form of current or past abuse. Even if a person apologizes for their actions, you can’t forget. Abuse changes you, and it will alter the way you look at the perpetrator.

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6. Substance Abuse Can Come From Negative Family Dynamics

Substance abuse is a game changer, whether current or in the past. Though it happens more often than you might think, it causes toxic family dynamics. When someone is heavily involved in drugs or alcohol, their unable to love you the way you need to be loved, as their addiction supersedes any relationship.

7. Anger Outbursts

Does someone in your family have anger issues? Do they fly into a blind rage when things don’t go their way? Not only does this make having a healthy relationship with this person impossible, but you will walk on eggshells around them.

According to the National Library of Medicine, someone with rage issues may have an intermittent explosive disorder, a mood disorder, or poor coping skills. Dealing with this person can be challenging, as you always await the subsequent explosion …


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