Twin Flame Vs Soulmate: These Are The Key Differences

Twin flame relationships and soulmate relationships are two of the most beautiful types of romantic relationships a human being can experience.

They both come with a strong and unique connection that makes us experience love at a whole new level and they have a very meaningful purpose in our lives, guiding us on our spiritual journey and on the path through evolution.

But there seems to be a lot of confusion between the two, and many people are not sure if they have met their twin flame, their soulmate, or if they are simply in a karmic relationship.

Therefore, in this article, I will explain the twin flame vs soulmate. The key traits of a twin flame, a soulmate relationship, and how to distinguish them from one another. 

I’ll also help you understand the role that each of them plays in our lives.

Twin Flame Vs Soulmate – Understanding The Twin Flame

To understand the twin flame vs soulmate difference let’s start with the twin flame.

A twin flame is a person who shares the same soul as you.

From a spiritual point of view, they are your “other half”, although that does not mean that you are incomplete or that you need someone else to feel whole.

The soul is the divine essence of any person, that energy in all of us which is made out of light and love.

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All souls are split in two before their first reincarnation on earth, and their mission is to find each other and contribute to the other one’s spiritual growth.

They are just like the yin and yang parts of the duality symbol – opposites from some points of view even though each of them contains the essence of each other.

All Universe is based on duality, in order to maintain the cycle of life in balance, therefore we have light and dark, night and day, good and bad, summer and winter, hot and cold, masculine and feminine, and so on.

Because we are created in accordance with the main spiritual laws – or in religious terms, by God’s image, we too are divided into two parts that perfectly complement and complete each other.

How Do You Recognize Your Twin Flame?

Picture of twin flame vs soumate

Now that we have seen what a Twin Flame is, let’s see how you can recognize them when you meet them, before moving on to the topic of what is a soulmate and how to differentiate the two.

If you have a hunch that someone might be your twin flame, here are the main traits of twin flame relationship:

You feel an instant, magnetic connection.

When you first met them you had this unexplainable feeling that you met someone very special to you, as if you had been waiting for them your whole life.

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You fell crazy in love straight away because they had all the attributes that you generally look for in a person and it was almost too good to be true.

You had this feeling that you have known them since forever and that you can talk to them about almost anything without the fear of being judged, even though you were basically strangers.

They bring you closer to your life purpose and divine mission.

Strangely enough, your twin flame is generally also someone who shares the same life purpose as you – maybe they work in the same field or have the same passion and hobbies, making you re-discover once again why you chose that one purpose and helping you learn more and achieve more.

If they don’t happen to share the same life purpose, then in one way or another they will still bring you closer to your divine mission by making you feel and understand what you should do at the current stage in your life.

They are your mirror.

Your twin flame will be very similar to you from some points of view, giving you the impression that you are looking in a mirror.

But from other points of view, they will be exactly the opposite of you.

Nonetheless, in all aspects, they will make you see things about yourself that you didn’t see before – the unhealed wounds, the deepest fear, mistakes, repetitive patterns and so on.

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Basically they will push all your “painful buttons” in order to urge you to heal yourself at the deepest level possible thus helping you evolve spiritually and bringing you closer to enlightenment.

You will find yourself in the runner-chaser dynamic.

When comparing a twin flame Vs soulmate relationship, you’ll see this dynamic is specific to the twin flame relationship, and everyone who has found their twin will experience it sooner or later.

This phase is also called the “separation”, and during it, the most awoken twin will be the chaser – the one who deeply desires the relationship and is ready for the reunion meanwhile the less awoken one will be the runner.

The runner will be scared by the intensity of the twin flame relationship and everything about themselves that they finally see mirrored in the other one.

They will not be ready to do the necessary work in order to make the healing…

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