Everything You Need to Know About Your Blocked Chakras | Astrology Answers

Have you ever felt that the energy in your body was stagnant or stuck? Have you ever felt down, stressed, or insecure, and you didn’t know why? You might have been sensing an imbalance in your chakras.

Chakras are points of energy within the body that run from the very base of the spine to the very crown of the head, and when the chakras are imbalanced or stuck, it can cause negative emotions or physical sensations within the body.

These energy points spin in a wheel – in fact, the word chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel.” These areas of the body are symbolized and depicted by spinning wheels of different colors, as each chakra represents a color of the rainbow. When your chakras are balanced, it’s as if you have a rainbow of healthy energy flowing within you.

Chakra healing has been growing in popularity recently, and there’s a good reason for the emerging trend of balancing and maintaining the chakras! When your chakras are harmonized, you feel more open, aligned, and confident – among other benefits.

When you balance your chakras, you’re giving yourself the courage, the strength, and the motivation to face any challenges head-on and without distraction. You’re allowing energy to move freely throughout the body, opening yourself up for new experiences. When they’re out of whack, however, your chakras can create tension or even chaos within the body.

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So, if you’re ready to learn about the chakras and how to keep them healthy and functioning properly, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about your blocked chakras!

The Seven Major Chakras

To fully understand how the chakras work in the body, let’s take a look at each of the seven major chakras, the themes they represent in life, and their function.

The Root Chakra

the color red

The Root chakra is the first of the seven major chakras, located at the base of the spine, or the tailbone. This chakra is associated with shades of red, the color of blood – our life force.

What is the Function of My Root Chakra?

The Root chakra rules over our primal instincts, survival mechanisms, and our sense of security.

Think about your basic needs – food, shelter, water, sleep. This chakra is also linked to your deepest desires and your sense of financial security in life. This is the area of the body where ideas take form and begin to become a reality.

It is also said that past life energy is stored in the Root chakra and that this chakra acts as the home for sleeping energy.

When this chakra is healthy and balanced, you feel at home in the world, taken care of by the Universe. You feel as though you’re headed in the right direction and that your path in life is clear.

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What Happens if My Root Chakra is Overactive?

You will likely feel it in the body if this chakra is overstimulated, as it causes tiredness, dissatisfaction, or insecurity in your life. You may experience anger or frustration, and an overactive Root chakra can cause an increased or overactive appetite when it comes to food, drink, or even sex.

What Happens if My Root Chakra is Underactive or Blocked?

A blocked or underactive chakra can upset the emotional and physical spaces of your spirit. Emotionally, an underactive Root chakra can cause lethargy – it’s as if you have to drag yourself out of bed. It can feel hard to accomplish anything, so limited is your energy and motivation.

It can also cause feelings of apathy like you simply don’t care as much about the things that used to trigger passion in you. You might feel small, insignificant, or unsure of yourself when the Root chakra needs attention.

Physically, an underactive Root chakra can cause anemia, issues with weight, fatigue, or hemorrhoids.

How Does My Root Chakra Relate to Energy?

Energetically, this chakra is said to connect to the etheric layer of the subtle body. Ether is the state of existence that exists between energy and matter. As the Root chakra is where the spark of life exists, where ideas take shape, it is fitting that this chakra would connect to this mystical form of energy.

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Ways to Heal & Unblock the Root Chakra

There are certain exercises, essential oils, colors, and foods that relate to each chakra. To bring balance to the Root chakra, focus on warming red oils like sandalwood, cayenne, ginger, and clove is essential. You can mix any of these oils with a carrier oil like coconut or almond to dilute them and make them safe to apply on the skin.

Working with red crystals is another great way to balance the Root chakra. Red carnelian, red jasper, and red tiger’s eye are fantastic stones for balancing this chakra. Hematite, jet, and black obsidian are grounding stones that will also bring balance to the Root.

Finally, try eating red foods like strawberries, cherries, red apples, or tomatoes. Spending time near the color red will help send healing energy to this chakra; ingesting red foods has a powerful healing effect.

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