11 Fascinating Third Eye Facts That Will AMAZE You

The third eye energy center of the body also known as the pineal gland is truly a fascinating subject to learn more about.

It is likely that if you are reading this you are on the path of awakening this energy center and learning more about it will most definitely bring up some synchronistic information. 

Here are 11 fascinating facts about the third eye:

1. The third eye is involved in DMT released at birth and death

The third eye is inextricably associated with the pineal gland located in our physical brain center, this gland can produce and release a natural psychedelic compound know and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) also referred to as ‘the spirit molecule’.

DMT is known to induce amazing interdimensional and spiritual experiences. It is naturally released by the pineal gland at the times of birth and death.

At birth, it is naturally released within both the bodies of the mother and the new life entering the earth realm. DMT can be stimulated through deep meditations, breathing, and intentional trance states.

It also occurs naturally in many species of plants and has recently been synthesized and widely experimented with a psychedelic substance.

2. The third eye is photosensitive

Photosensitivity means that something is sensitively affected by various forms of light, including, sunlight and other sources.

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It has been discovered that the pineal gland has photoreceptors and is, therefore, photosensitive.

This sensitivity to light is part of what determines the release of the various neurotransmitters and hormones from the pineal gland.

This is why practices such as sun gazing and meditations visualizing light can be effectively used to awaken this third eye energy center.

3. The piezoelectric effects and tiny floating crystals within your third eye

It has been discovered that floating inside the pineal gland there are tiny crystals. These calcium carbonate crystals are known to be very sensitive to changes in frequency and pressure.

These crystals are impacted through a phenomenon that is known as the piezoelectric effect.

This piezoelectric effect is when a material (in this instance the crystals) produces electric charge when subjected to a mechanical stimulus (an example is pressure in the form of muscle contraction and relaxation that naturally occurs during deep breathing techniques).

The piezoelectric charges can also manifest in the form of piezoluminescence or piezochromism which is the release of bursts of multicolored light.

This is why the third eye is linked to the phenomenon of light. Within the third eye, you can experience images of light or psychedelic visions.

Activating this third eye center grants you the ability to pick up higher frequencies and experience phenomena such as inner visions.

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4. The third eye also has cones and rods structures

It is quite amazing that the pineal gland which is physical third eye actually has retinal tissue within its structure.

These retinal tissues made of rod and cone structures are what is also present in the structure of a regular eye.

The rods and cones function in their own fascinating way by allowing the eye to receive light which is translated by the optic nerves into vision. It is amazing that the pineal gland also has these structures.

Knowing this information it becomes obvious why the pineal gland is truly regarded as the third eye!

5. The third eye has been represented as a pine cone throughout history

pine cone that represents a third eye

The pineal gland is named due to its pine cone-like shape. It was associated with this shape well before modern science studied the brain.

The pinecone as a representation of the third eye linked with the energy of enlightenment can be seen beautifully represented in many ancient cultures.

This emblem is utilized by the Egyptians, Indians, Mexicans, Greeks, and Romans.

It can be seen in conjunction with images or statues of deities, the staff of Egyptian god Osiris is topped with a pine cone.

Hindu deities are seen holding a pine cone or wearing pine cone shape on the head, Buddhist sculptures also depict pine cone-like designs integrated into the heads of sculptures.

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In Roman culture, a giant pine cone structure called the Pigna was sculpted and the symbol of the pine cone is can be seen repeatedly in catholic emblems within architecture and sacred objects.

This repetitive image of the pine cone can show us just how highly this energy center of the third eye was revered as a key aspect of spiritual enlightenment.

6. The third eye allows you access to different realms of perception

Opening the third eye creates physiological as well as subtle energetic upgrades to your body and abilities of perception.

Through activating this energy center you can tap into new realms of awareness through various means.

You could begin to receive inner…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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